Vic's Layer Log!

So, I’ve finally decided to start a log here since I don’t take the time to write things down on paper (and I’m always here on T-Nation).

Anyways, I just recovered from a minor lower back injury so I haven’t been in the gym in a couple of weeks. Here are my stats just before I hurt myself.

Age: 18
Height: 6’1"
Weight: 175 lbs
(I’m converting from kg and cm, for the record)

ATG High Bar Squat: 250 lbs
Parallel Squat: 330 lbs
Front Squat: 230 lbs
Push press: 175 lbs
Low Incline Bench Press: 210 lbs
Flat Bench Press: 230 lbs
Power Clean: 200 lbs
SGHP: 230 lbs
Conventional Deadlift: 340 lbs (this was ~4 months ago, don’t do heavy deads anymore)

Don’t really know what they’ll be like now that I’m coming back, but we’ll see.

Anyways, the routine I’m gonna do:
Push/Pull/Legs/Push/Pull/Legs/Rest, repeat.

Pushing workouts: Low Incline, Decline Bench Press or Push Press.
Pulling workouts: Power Cleans or SGHP.
Leg workouts: ATG High Bar Squats, Front Squats or (maybe) Deadlifts.

The workouts will mainly start with ramping to a 1-5RM, then density work, and finish with loaded carries and chins+dips.
(Except for an occasional Quadruple Strength Layer).

Will attach images soon. The log will probably start in two days.

Here’s the setup I’ll be following:

Every day except for legs - Warmup:
Power Cleans, Paused Front squats, Push Press, Lunges.
3-4 sets of 2-4 reps @45-95lbs.


  1. Low incline bench press ramp to 1RM.
  2. 80% of max, perform a total of 30 reps as quickly as possible.
  3. Bear Hug Carries 3 x 1 minute.
  4. 30 pull ups, 30 dips.


  1. SGHP ramp to 1RM.
  2. 80% of max, perform as many total reps in 5 minutes.
  3. Overhead Carries 3 x 1 minute.
  4. 30 pull ups, 30 dips.


  1. Back squat ramp to 1RM.
  2. Double paused back squat, 3-4 sets of 3 reps (50-70%)
  3. Jump squat, 4-5 set of 3 reps with 30% of max.
  4. Bottom half back squats pump reps, 3 sets of 8-10 reps.
  5. Farmers Walk, 3 x 1 minute.
  6. 30 pull ups, 30 dips.


  1. Low decline bench press ramp to 3RM.
  2. 3-4 sets of 3 @ 90% of 3RM
  3. Ramp to 6RM.
  4. 3-4 sets of 6 @ 90% of 6RM.
  5. Goblet Carries 3 x 1 minute.
  6. 30 pull ups, 30 dips.


  1. Power clean ramp to 2RM.
  2. Power clean 6 sets of 2 with 90% of 2RM.
  3. Power clean from hang (or blocks) 4 x 3 with 70% of 2RM.
  4. Overhead Carries 3 x 1 minute.
  5. 30 pull ups, 30 dips.


  1. Clean Grip Deadlift from a 2" deficit ramp to 2RM.
  2. CG Deadlift ramp to 2RM.
  3. 2 Clusters with 90% of #2.
  4. RDL 4-5 sets of 4-6 reps.
  5. Farmers Walk with dumbbell, 3 x 1 minute.
  6. 30 pull ups, 30 dips.


  1. Push Press Ramp to 3RM
  2. 80% of max 3RM and perform 30 reps as quickly as possible.
  3. Overhead Carries 3 x 1 minute.
  4. 30 pull ups, 30 dips.


  1. Power clean 6 x 2 @ 70% of your 2RM from day 5.
  2. SGHP ramp to 6RM.
  3. Goblet Carries, 3 x 1 minute.
  4. 30 pull ups, 30 dips.


  1. Paused front squat ramp to 1RM.
  2. Front squat ramp 1RM.
  3. 80% of max and preform 30 reps as quickly as possible.
  4. Farmers Walk, 3 x 1 minute.
  5. 30 pull ups, 30 dips.

Have had a fever the past two days but decided to go to the gym anyways and do some easy liftin.

Ramped SGHP from hang, without straps to 175 lbs, and did 3 sets of 3.
Double paused SGDL, 160 lbs, 3 sets of 4.

Ramped Paused ATG Squats, 200 lbs, 3 sets of 3.
3 sets of 8, wide grip chins.
2 sets of 15, dips.

Ramped Low Incline BP to 3RM, 175 lbs.
3 sets of 3 with 160 lbs.
Ramped to 6RM, 135 lbs.
3 sets of 6 with 120 lbs.

Not feeling very good today, still not fully recovered, coughing like a maniac.
All sets were to chest, used to do them 1-2" off the chest but I have very healthy shoulders, so why not.