If you were doing the Velocity Diet, and due to being raped by the cost of supplements in this fine country were forced to choose between Carbolin 19, Methoxy-7, and HOT-ROX, Which of the 3 would you choose? Please bear in mind that my primary concern is maintaining as much muscle mass as possible, rather then maximum fat loss [eg i’d rather loose 10lbs fat and no muscle then 15 lbs fat and 5 lbs muscle].
NB. I mean we’re being raped in comparison to the US prices, especially when you work out how much it would cost if T-Nation would actually send shit to us, rather then going through an alternative agent.
I am currently doing the V-diet and I am almost done with week 2. I have been using HOT-ROX and am very happy with the results so far. I was also worried about the fat to muscle ratio but so far have lost almost 8 lbs and have kept and actually increased my strength a little. Probably due to either HOT-ROX or the increase amount and better types of protien that i am now getting. Hard to get from chow hall food and I have no grocery store to go to mind you.!!! This is my first time using HOT-ROX and I like it alot so far.