Hi everybdy,i’m 22 and 110kg.I was 85.I put on this weight the last 3 years.I want to lose it,fast!I know that fast doesn’t sound well but if anyone wasnt fat and then put on 25kg understands.My question is to start the velocity diet or the get shredded diet.
I ask cause the velocity is about a month and have limited fat loss in my case,cause i need lose more.For trainning i will do 4 days weights 3 days energy system working.How does it sound?
Velocity diet is very easy - Fixed quick meals that are easy to prepare. No worries with counting the calories in different foods. Shakes taste great, and I can live without variety so its perfect for me. Cravings can be cut out with water, or calorie free drinks. I lost some muscle though even though it is advertised as one that will keep all muscle. But I lost a bunch of fat fast!
the Velocity Diet is a great diet for dropping weight QUICK if you can stay committed, you WILL NOT be able to weight train 4 days a week and do energy system work 3x a week on the Velocity Diet though, I would do 3 days weight training on the Velocity Diet.
I went from about 194 to 175 doing the VD diet for about 17 days over this last Winter, I do think I lost some muscle and my strength plummeted.
Shugart has mentioned in an interview that the diet can be used for people with higher bodyfat %. granted he did say that it would help obese people start a new lifestyle and change the way their body craves food etc but if it can be described to obese people i dont see why you couldnt execute this diet if you wanted to.
all up to you bro what diet appeals the most to you, and if you only have limited time to cut fat im sure the diet would give good results.
This might be a stupid question… But why does JB say to not do this diet if you have a body fat higher than 10%? Will it not work as well? I don’t get it.
[quote]Oblag wrote:
This might be a stupid question… But why does JB say to not do this diet if you have a body fat higher than 10%? Will it not work as well? I don’t get it.[/quote]
They are quite extreme diets, and because of heavy calorie restriction you have a higher chance of losing muscle.
Someone carrying a lot more fat will just have to drop a few hundred calories below mantenance - if that - to get the fat to start dropping off.
When it comes to lowering the bf into single digits, it is probably a better time to focus on the finer details such as carb timings, cycling macronutrients & so forth, where these diets would be a better choice.
[quote]rsg wrote:
These 2 diets are not for you, they are intended to bring someone already lean into the low single % bf region.
You should consider something such as the T-Dawg Diet.[/quote]
I don’t completely agree with the V-diet being for someone already lean. I think the V-diet is also intended for individuals with higher body fat (however the end result will not be a "shredded 5%bf).
I do agree with you however that JB’s diet is for doing from already lean to sub-6% and that something along the lines of the T-Dawg diet is at least a better long term solution for the OP.
That said, he could use the V-diet, drop ~15-20lbs in the 4 weeks and transition longer term onto the T-Dawg.
JB is coming from the idea that if you dont know how to get to and maintain 10% body fat then you need to learn how to do that first instead of trying some miracle diet that is going to do it for you.
Once you know how to stay nice and lean, and you want to get EVEN leaner, here is how to do it.