Vegetarian Stack

I’m a newbie lifter and I am making sure I get my proper nutrients as a vegetarian (not vegan). Presently I’m taking:

Whey Protein
Flax Seed

I have a pretty good diet (6-7 meals, clean foods, etc)and definitely get my needed calories and protein intake (which took me some time to adjust). I have been having the expected newbie gains and am not having any problems with recovery between workouts.

Is there anything you would recommend to add to my supplement stack? (i know… meat!.. not happening though)

It’s tough recommending products that you should add when one doesn’t know what you’re already getting through your diet.

Flameout! Only meats contain CLA. I dont know if this is a problem since its fish oil and whatnot, so…

I would also recommend Biotest BCAAs (I made the mistake of buying another brand, paying 5 dollars less and am extremely unsatisfied with them) This will help you with muscle synthesis.

[quote]HK24719 wrote:
It’s tough recommending products that you should add when one doesn’t know what you’re already getting through your diet.[/quote]


Meal 1 (6:00):
3 eggs
6 oz Orange Juice
16 oz Coffee
18 oz water

Meal 2 (10:00):
Piece of Fresh Fruit (usually apple or banana)
18 oz water

Meal 3 (12:00):
Small serving of leftovers (see meal 7)
18 oz water

Meal 4 (14:00 or 15:00):
Nuts (occasionally w/ dried rasberries)
18 oz water

Meal 5 (pre-workout 17:00)
Protein Shake (includes flaxseed oil)

Meal 6 (post-workout 18:30)
Protein Shake (includes flaxseed oil)
18 oz water

Meal 7 (19:00-20:00)
High-Protein (sources come from eggs, tofu, tempeh, seitan, nuts, beans, etc)
Lots of greens (you name it)
18 oz water (sometimes green tea)

3 days a week (hiit/cardio or rest days):
brown rice
occasionally whole-wheat/enriched pasta

[quote]bdadam01 wrote:
Flameout! Only meats contain CLA. I dont know if this is a problem since its fish oil and whatnot, so…

I would also recommend Biotest BCAAs (I made the mistake of buying another brand, paying 5 dollars less and am extremely unsatisfied with them) This will help you with muscle synthesis.[/quote]

Yeah, the fish-oil in a problem (even before I was veg… I’m allergic)

I’ve been thinking about adding amino-acids… I wasn’t sure if they were needed b/c of taking creatine (as I said, I’m new to this). Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll check it out.

BCAAs and creatine are different.

Basically the creatine is a ‘muscle hydrator’ and has been shown to help recovery and to help with some strength increases.

BCAA have been shown to help protein sythesis as well as slow/stop the breakdown of muscle. (better for a “cutting” or below maintenance diet)

When i saw the title i thought it would be a pretty shitty diet, but i gotta say that it’s not that bad…maybe even something I might give a try.

good luck!

[quote]B rocK wrote:
BCAAs and creatine are different.

Basically the creatine is a ‘muscle hydrator’ and has been shown to help recovery and to help with some strength increases.

BCAA have been shown to help protein sythesis as well as slow/stop the breakdown of muscle. (better for a “cutting” or below maintenance diet)

Thanks for that info… sounds like it would be a good addition. When in the day is best to take this?

taking 5g of creatine a day (in the morning when you dont train and after training) is a good start

BCAA dosage differs person to person. i’m a fan of mega-loading before, during, after a workout. but if you go long periods between meals at any time, take bcaa in between. some people also take them at night.

it’s all up to you with that. plus they can get pricey so it might depend on your wallet too.