If somebody had a problem with what I eat, I tell them to mind their own friggin buisness. I wouldn’t bother to argue with a stupid militant vegetarian.
Not afraid to admit it, even here - I am a vegetarian, ( do eat eggs and some dairy.)I am more Muscular and Fit, healthier and get sick less often than almost all of my friends & co-workers. If you do resistance training, eat right, and supplement right, you WILL develop muscle. Nature doesn’t limit that potential based on just one type of diet. I think it depends on how you train, rest, and take care of yourself. Let’s please put this argument to rest, it’s old and outdated.
That was pretty funny But were you also going, “grrrrr, grrrrrrrrr” like a wild bear ripping into it’s prey? That would have been priceless!
Point taken restless. I’ll behave.
Good point about arguing with veggies. I hope never to be as close minded as some v’s i’ve met.
BuffPac, as well as the beyondveg website be sure to check out this page at the weston a. price website:
http://www.westonaprice.org /myths_truths/myths.html
Click on ‘Myths and Truths about Beef’, and ‘Myths and Truths about Vegetarianism’.
I don’t think you are a vegetarian if you eat protein from animal sources (dairy, eggs). By the way, Eggs don’t grow on trees. ERIN, you are omnivorous, like the rest of us.
Ramses…actually, Erin is whats called a Lacto-Ovo vegetarian. By definition, she is still a vegetarian, as she does not consume animal flesh (unless she eats fertilized, slightly incubated eggs…yech…which I hope she doesn’t).
I think people who call themselves vegetarians and eat dairy and eggs are hypocrits. Eggs are baby animals.
monsolman, eggs are not baby animals since they are not fertilized. Most vegetarians dont know that the word does not have anything to do with vegetables, since it does not originally come from Latin but Greek, where it meant a healty way of eating not eating vegetables only.I dont’ eat meat but do eat fish, organic eggs, AP and vagina as my main sources of protein. I do not call myself a vegetarian. Ignorance is ignorance regardless of your diet, most vegetarians do not eat healthy since they do not take time to learn how to eat properly.
Uuuh, I just read undrdoglady’s post, and I SWEAR I read the word “vagina” in there somewhere. Did anyone else notice this peculiar phenomenon, or am I just “seeing what I want to see”?
Yes, ergo, my comment concerning fertilized eggs…and the definition I am using for vegetarian is the standard, accepted (Websters version, if you will) meaning of the word. Hence, Erin is an F’ing vegetarian, and dammit so am I!!!
Underdoglady…my diet is very lacking in the “vagina food group”…any suggestions? What is the nutritional value of vagina? Molsonman, am I a hypocrite if I eat vagina, also?
Eating fish and saying you are a vegaterian? Now that is really hypocritical. You can use philosophy mumbo jumbo to get around the eggs but not fish.
monsolman, once again I do not call myself a “Vegetarian” I’m not interested in labels, I just eat as healthy as I can. My comment has to do with lack of understanding or misuse of the actual word. It comes from Greek not Latin and doesn not mean vegetable.
PS, to all interested: Vagina is full of quality protein and stacks well with Mag10 and I’m sure it will work well with Myostat.
i prefer eating vagina on cutting phases as opposed to bulking. i think it stacks better with MD6 as opposed to the mag10 and myostat like underdoglady mentioned. Bill? it also keeps your mind off food and contains very low calories. two hearty portions a day and you still don’t wind up getting more than a dozen calories or so at the most. as far as recipes go, i usually just eat it plain, though i heard some certain seasonings make it taste even better. make sure it is served moist. if it is too wet though i would NOT recommend putting it in the foreman grill or anything to drain the juices out. that could lead to some real trouble. other than that i really don’t know what to tell you guys. I believe the real expert in this field is Nate Dogg. He’s practically a vagitarian.
There is a sizeable group of people (my sisters one of them) that eat the vegetarian lifestyle + fish. They may be eating ideally actually, but i’ll stick to all meat. Vegetarians miss out on the fact that they cant get EPA and DHA as effectively from plant sources especially as they age… The thing about dogs is true, and they dont need meat at all. Cats on the other hand are naturally carnivores and do need meat. Humans are omnivores and therefore can and imo should eat both.
Found an article which might be of interest to you:
www.mercola.com/2002/ jan/9/high_protein.htm
And another: www.mercola.com/2000/ apr/2/vegetarian_myths.htm
THANK YOU RESTLESS. I know you people have been saying you shouldn’t get into an argument and blah blah blah, well I am the arguing type and always has to be right, so the next time when one of these Vegan bastards starts in on me, I am going to pull out that Vegetarian Myths and shove it in there face and crash their little Self-Righteous world down.
To undrdoglady:
What is the Greek etymology of the word ‘vegetarian’? There has been some tenuous connection made to an alternate latin root, ‘vegetus’ (lively), but I can think of no Greek root for the word. Unless your referring to the connection to Pythagoras, who happened to BE a vegetarian?