i have decided to run the V-Diet for 4 weeks, then go into the metabolic diet, then following a precontest diet to shed alot of fat. my goal is too be 220lbs at around 5-7%bf. i will post end results. i also want to keep my strength as high as possible as well.
This is day 2 on the V-Diet. i feel good so far, not hungry, slightly dizzy though. my supplements are as follows:
blue rhino, caffeine pills, instone wieght loss pills, aspirin, low carb protein powder, flax seed oil.
my stats currently are: 239 lbs(lost some already, was at 241), 18 years old, bodybuilding goals, 6’2", 5 years training, 4 as a pl, 1 as bb
lifting stats: bench: 335lbs
sqaut: lmao at 420lbs
deadlift: ok at 475lbs
military press: 225lbs
hangclean: 230lbs
pullups: 15
incline bench: 270lbs
goals: 5-7%bf at 220lbs.
day2: pain. i went skiing last night for cardio, 5 hours straight freestyling. im hurting but going to the gym in 15 min for shoulders traps.
I feel a little tired and dizzy. im not hungry suprisingly, as i just came off i bulk so my stomach was probably stretched out, but im not going to complain, im running on only protein powder and flax, as my other supps have not arrived yet.
im beggining to look foward to my meal consisting of flax and protein shakes lol. slight pain in my right trap may hold me back on the cleans. will post after workout.