Using TRT, Low Libido, Infertility

I had low T so went on TRT. For about 14 months had T injected. Now use AndroGel. T levels are above mid-point of normal (I forget the exact value). Have been on TRT for 1.5 years.

I still have low libido. I’m going back to Urologist tomorrow to get copy of bloodwork to see what my E, LH, FSH, and other levels are.

I have testicular atrophy big time. TWO urologists told me that this would have no impact on fertility. I explicitly asked both of them that question and got the same answer. Yesterday I discovered (from this site) that they are likely wrong. Some seem to say HCG should have been used, too. Is it too late for me to reverse the atrophy and be fertile? I’m 42 and want to be married and have kids…

Doest testicular atrophy impact libido?

[quote]Eric3141 wrote:
I had low T so went on TRT. For about 14 months had T injected. Now use AndroGel. T levels are above mid-point of normal (I forget the exact value). Have been on TRT for 1.5 years.

I still have low libido. I’m going back to Urologist tomorrow to get copy of bloodwork to see what my E, LH, FSH, and other levels are.

I have testicular atrophy big time. TWO urologists told me that this would have no impact on fertility. I explicitly asked both of them that question and got the same answer. Yesterday I discovered (from this site) that they are likely wrong. Some seem to say HCG should have been used, too. Is it too late for me to reverse the atrophy and be fertile? I’m 42 and want to be married and have kids…

Doest testicular atrophy impact libido?[/quote]

Oh man, these stories are getting more and more common by the day. It seems like every day I hear from someone who is victim from some idiot medical doctor who is “practicing” medicine on them like a guinea pig.

After 1 and a half years of testicular damage, who knows if you’ll ever be fertile again. Im no expert in that area so its best to consort with a gasp professional who has eqipment and training in such areas(medical ultrasounds, etc) They will assess testicular damage from there.

Your urologist is an idiot for telling you that injection T without any precautionary medications won’t cause infertility. You may be able to sue if you are found infertile.

hCG in all fairness has only been in common use for the last 6 months to a year or so. Most still don’t get it. My issue with the docs isn’t the fact that you didn’t get hCG - most MD’s still don’t know about it.

Your lack of working testicals has no impact on libido. Its likely that due to a lack of AI, your estradoil levels are high(again, idiot doctors who never checked your estradoil levels) High estradoil will wreck havoc not only on libido but memory, multi tasking, short term memory and motor skills.

I personally want to stab your urologist with a butter knife, repeatedly :wink: