Hello, I recently read your article 7 ways to get jacked with olympic lifts 7 Ways to Get Jacked With Olympic Lifts . This article really intrigued me and I took the principles you laid out in the article and made my own routine. Was wondering if you could give me some critique/advice on the program please. I enjoy doing the lifts and would like to spend some time training them and working on technique/improving them. I know it is not optimal but I am not going to compete in olympic lifting any time soon. So any critque/advice/changes would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Forgot to mention too that I am only able to train 4 days a week.
MONDAY-Clean Day
1.Power Clean 6x3 reps
2.Hang Clean 5x5 reps
3. Power Shrugs 5x6 reps
4. Front Squat 5x6 reps
5. Pull ups 4x6-8 (weighted)
5. Hanging Leg Raises 5x20 reps
6. Farmers Walks 4x60 sec
WED-Snatch Day
- Power Snatch From Hang 6x3
- Snatch Grip High Pull 5x5
- SG Deadlift 4x6-8
- Back Squat 5x6-8
- Ab Rollout 5x20
- Klokov Snatch Complex for conditioning
FRI-Clean & Jerk Related day
- Split Jerk 6x3
- Push Press 5x5
- Military Press 4x6-8
- Dips 4x6-8 (weighted)
- Shoulder Complex 3 rounds 20 reps each exercise
a.bent over rear delt fly
b. lateral raise
c. front raise - Arnold Presses 4x10
SAT- Bodybuilding Day
- Dumbbell Bench press 4x10-12
- Incline fly 4x10-12
- Kroc Rows 3x20 (each arm)
- Barbell Curl 3x12
- Skull crusher 3x12
- Hammer Curl 3x12
- Rope Tricep Extension 3x12
- Leg Press (wide stance to hit hams, glutes and quads) 5x20
Again any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!