Using Deca while on TRT?

Been on trt for a little over a year now. Took awhile but I’m on track finally. Taking .5 cc every 5th day and levels looking decent. I’ve never been able to really gain weight and having low T doesn’t help. Got a few buds going on cycles of Cyp and adding deca to it. If I’m on trt regime just to get to normal T levels will me taking deca help with gaining weight or is it pointless because I’m not on a actual cycle of Test?

This is more suited to the pharma section. Nandrolone will help you gain weight, but is riskier than testosterone (harsher on lipids, inducing endothelial dysfunction, aids in the development of morphological, structural changes in the myocardium, neurological/neuropsychiatric effects etc)… note test at high enough dosages can fuck up you’re heart too (not talking about trt, talking about megadoses) but nandrolone is riskier


Ok cool bro thanks for the info I’ll stick to trt and eat a lot more calories lol

Been on TRT for a little over a year now and have never been able to gain weight until recently but mostly just because I’m eating like a horse but looking for a quicker way to build some mass… Those of you on TRT since your taking it just to maintain normal test level are you still able to do a cycle for lifting? If so what’s the normal regime and what do you need to pay closer attention to then those not on trt? If this is a absolute not, what do some of y’all do and take to get your weight up and keep up in the gym?

Note: You may get more responses posting this in the Pharma section.

Cycling? How much training experience do you have? The closer to your genetic ceiling the better.

You don’t need to pay more attention to anything, because you have the luxury of foregoing PCT, at least in terms of HPTA resolution. You will want to make sure you aren’t in the middle of a cycle when he decides to run labs though.

Look up “blast” and “cruise” for more info on guys that are on TRT - prescribed or self-administered. These guys run cycles followed by a period of more “normal” (usually) test dose.


There is no normal regime. Just take whatever you want in whatever dose. I’ve not done this on TRT, but guys that do will usually double or triple their testosterone dose on top of their other steroids. You don’t necessarily need to pay closer attention, but with synthetic hormones it’s a good idea to keep an eye on lipids and LFTs.

What’s your normal trt protocol?
Perhaps you need a dose increase.

A lot of guys do very well on 150-200mg test cyp a week with good nutrition and exercise.

I’d look at optimizing your trt dose first.

Usually the people that blast seem to do 250mgx2/week for 8 to 12 weeks. But since you’re on trt it makes sense to me to try some smaller ones 300-400/per week. You’re not worried about trying to restart your hpta afterwards so there’s no incentive to risk the higher dose. Minimum effective dose for the win!

I’ve not run a blast yet, so just theoretical.

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Thanks for y’all’s input I doing 100mg every 5 days right now and hovering around low 700s my free T has always been out of wack so I’m trying to get that under control. Hmmmm I’m Definitely considering upping the dose for 8 weeks or so.

You don’t want to run a ‘blast’ of test until your TRT is dialed in an you’ve reaped all those benefits. Make sure you don’t speak in volumes… .5cc means nothing but a volume. Make sure you use the proper lingo and speak of your dosages in mgs so there are no bad assumptions being made.

It would be proper to figure this out first. You want a baseline to go back to after your blast. The blast has the potential to make a lot of parameters worse so you need to have a ‘home base’ per say where you know your body is in a good hormonal balance. At that point a blast would be somewhere in the range of 300-500mg/test per week for the typical first timer. You should make sure you have an AI and perhaps some Nolva on hand BEFORE YOU START. You won’t likely need them but if you do its good to be prepared. Once you cease blasting you go right back to your TRT dose with no PCT needed obviously.


I think this is pretty good logic. It is what I am currently doing (325 mg/wk). I will say I am going to add var in for the last 6 weeks, but from what I understand, var is pretty nice for sides.

Haven’t tried it myself.
I may get some deca added to my trt to help my joints feel better so I can be more active, but not yet.

Let us know how it goes.


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Depends, for some it may be a last resort decision… If my pain isn’t resolved post cortisone shot I’ll be biting the bullet and taking 75-100mg/wk… I have pain everywhere, but the shoulder is by far the most irritating. I haven’t been able to work chest (aside from dips) for about half a year

Hey to each their own. I just though the meme was funny. But seriously… I agree as long as…

There’s really nothing better for joint pain out there than deca? I understand how deca works.

I can take opiates again round the clock (was offered)… FUCK that

Can try HGH/GHRP peptides, but don’t feel comfortable with that

There are multiple facets to my pain

I have structural abnormalities present since birth within the shoulder (born very very premature), screws in my ankle, neuropathic pain (fibromyalgia), chronic inflammation within the bursae off my shoulder (subacromial). Hypermobility (BJHMS) (accelerated joint degeneration/wear and tear)

Any lifter or guy over 50 yo would do very well with adding deca to TRT.

I added 80mg to my 100mg / week TRT dose for 16 weeks and felt the best I did in 25 years (I am 53). It literally healed decades old injuries. After a few months off a few of the more chronic injuries started flaring again but not nearly as bad

I would highly recommend doing it if you can. Just keep your deca dose a bit less than TRT and you will be fine. My bloods were the best they’ve been in about 2 years so no issues there at all.

I would also recommend Ipamorelin for joints and overall body composition and you can run that long term.

Hnnnnnrrrrrggg the temptation is so high… of my shoulder pain reverts to initial status following the cortisone shot I’ve just had I’ll be pulling this plug

The joint pain is systemic but the shoulder is by far the worst offender… fuck it, perhaps I’ll ditch the EQ experiment and just add low dose deca, the EQ is far better in terms of aesthetics… but the nandrolone would (it did prior) significantly lessen day to day discomfort… at the cost of perhaps taking 10-15 years off my life (but then I say, would I rather live those extra years in constant pain?)

ipamorelon is also tempting as I can get it on script, v expensive though and idk about the prospect of long term pituitary downregularion, will have to research as much as possible… have already done a good bit of research

No they wouldn’t.

No it didn’t, please look up the term literal. What you meant was it provided temporary relieve which is all it does. You even go on further to say they came back.

That’s your right but you would be guiding people that may have a different experience from your own.

Also proven to not be true. Please stop making misleading statements based solely on your experience or broscience.


Temporary relief that lasts as long as you’re using for (for me relief lasted 1-2 months post use too). If you’re on for a while that equates to a long term solution (albeit not the healthiest one) with less/no pain

True, the notion of neurological dysregulation in response to nandrolone being related to test/deca ratio is a fallacy