I’ve been on TRT for approx. 4 months and my doctor just recommended Deca for joint pain. Currently on 210 iu test cypionate weekly, and will start Deca next week on a 10 week cycle.
Has anyone experienced a cypionate/Deca cycle? If so what should I expect?
Began TRT with labs of approx. 400 test with SHBG in high 50’s. Started at 140 iu’s weekly, gradually increasing to 210 where my CFT is finally in the lower end range. Total T is in the 900’s, but still have high SHBG. Take arimidex every other day, and 30 iu’s of HCG twice a week.
I used deca for 16 weeks as an addition to my TRT. It was very beneficial for my joints and also my other joint. But 10 weeks is probably not long enough to really see the results you’re looking for. Because deca is such a heavy ester it really does take 4-5 weeks before you start to feel it working its magic. A 10 week run just seems too short to get much out of it.
I do not think it is known for sure, in fact, some studies dispute that it does help, but there is too much anecdotal evidence for there not to be something to it. One theory is that it competes with catabolic cortisol and the anabolic properties have an anti-inflammatory effect. Anabolic steroids in general, including testosterone, are known to help the joints, but it is especially true for nandrolone.
Clearly you have an extremely progressive doctor, nandrolone helped quite a bit in my case. With regards to long term cardiac safety, it’s probably a whole lot worse than test however if you keep the doses low and live a healthy lifestyle it oughta sort of possibly make up for it. Still way better than the average sedentary Individual
Wow, your doc sure sounds progressive! Wont touch the 19nor’s myself as ive used them a lot in the past and felt like shite on them, not to mention the estrogenic/progestogenic side… But that was at supra-physiological doses so you may be ok
Guys in their 30s have noticed significant joint benefit from nandrolone. Doctor needs to properly evaluate and document, but they can prescribe nandrolone for relief of joint pain off label. The pharmacy may require a written statement that it is for joint pain to cover their ass.
Nandrolone did not seem to help me at all, but sermorelin does. Keep an eye on your lipids.
Nandrolone can get prescribed off label as adjunct therapy to aid in helping joint pain in certain countries. Muscle wasting diseases (or general muscle wasting post surgery etc), anaemia from renal failure or asplastic anemia, adjunct therapy for osteoporosis (increase bone density), and restoring positive nitrogen balance in catabolic states are all valid approved reasons for prescribing nandrolone. Back in the day it was also used to treat growth retardation in children (oxandrolone and fluoxymesterone replaced that, then growth hormone), anaemia (various causes), severe burns (oxandrolone replaced), advanced metastatic breast cancer and it may have been used as an eye drop medication in the form of nandrolone sulfate.
Prescribing guidelines as an anabolic after catabolic illness call for super, super low doses, like 25-50mg every 3-4 weeks, I’m not bashing medicine however these doses are too low to have any serious beneficial impact. For anemia the guidelines are a bit higher, like 100-200mg/wk and for aids doses can be even higher, with one study showing high efficiency and short term safety at 600mg/wk
That is a lot of arimidex for a high SHBG guy. I would check E2 again, make sure you aren’t making the joint issues worse.
Also, im interested in this. I have terrible knee issues from LOWERING my e2 too much. Getting close to 2 years now without being able to run/squat/jump…
Appreciate the advice, will follow up on cholesterol a few weeks in. Any suggestions on how to be proactive on controlling lipids? Supplement DHA/EPA and limit red meat/saturated fats?
You don’t work legs at all? Or you don’t get a good leg workout.
@Johnbu1981 My knees hurt but I still do like 180-200kg on the leg press when I have a good day, other days I’ll go for a good pump instead, my shoulders are far, far worse than my knees, I can’t do much chest stuff (not impingement related either I have awesome shoulder mobility) with nandrolone I’m able to go heavier on the chest stuff but otherwise I just go for a pump, although sometimes I quit mid chest workout because I can’t take the pain and move on to tricepz. I believe Nandrolone helps a TON, dose doesn’t even have to be high either, I get relief on 50mg/wk! Sometimes I just push through pain though, I’m sure it’ll have terrible consequences down the line however I reeeeaaaallly enjoy bodybuilding, therefore I’m taking a risk. I don’t squat though, I hack squat and go very slowly with light weights focusing on a pump, I find this to be easier on the knees than barbell squats which kill my knees for days after
Real question is, how is this guys knee cartilage not ground to dust
I take a lot of fish oil. Sometimes it just your genes and doesn’t matter how healthy you eat. If things get too crazy, HDLs bottom out, etc., you simply need to take a break. With some there is no effect on lipids.