For the last month or so, I’ve been following my training with 1 scoop ON Gold Standard whey and 1 scoop of Metabolic Drive Low Carb. However, recently I’ve been reading that that might not be the ‘best’ option.
So I was going to start throwing some oats in there to make it a little more post-workout friendly.
I looked at MAG-10, but it’s cost is a little up there. However, is it worth it? If you’re not at an elite level or anything spectacular, would some oats thrown into a regular protein shake be more than beneficial? Or is the cost of MAG-10 or ANACONDA worth it?
I would think that throwing oats in with whey as a PWO shake is the better option if money is an issue to you.
[quote]silverhydra wrote:
I would think that throwing oats in with whey as a PWO shake is the better option if money is an issue to you.[/quote]
Yeah I’d have to agree. You can also look into other carb powders which mix better and work out to very reasonable price (unless youre very partial to oats)
hell, i know of at least one oat powder out there that mixes pretty well.
Any suggestions for carb powders?
I don’t really have any specific preferences. I don’t usually eat oats (A, try to be more paleo-ish, with concessions; B, don’t usually eat oatmeal without honey and almond butter and a bunch of etc mixed in). I just kept seeing oats recommended in all the stuff I was reading.
I use NOW Carbo Gain and it mixes well, as long as you don’t put too much water in it. I mix it with 2 scoops ON whey also.
Corn Flakes are made mostly out of Maltose, which is a glucose-glucose bond.
So buy a huge ass box of Frosted Flakes and grind the shit out of those flakes with a mortar and pestle; or punch them into oblivion. A very cheap and effective carb powder with micronutrient content.
I’m also partial to combining a dextrose product (NOW foods) with table sugar.