[quote]Benway wrote:
[quote]threewhitelights wrote:
Dude, you fail miserably. You didn’t train according to Westside methods at all. Not even close really. One of the MAIN principles of WS training is addressing weakness. When I met Louie he had to have mentioned “weakpoints” or “training your weaknesses” or the likes every 3 minutes on average.
I remember reading somewhere that people that say Westside training doesn’t work are invariably doing it wrong. At the time, I thought, “nah that can’t be the case all the time, I’m sure there are people that respond better to other training methods, etc”. A few years later, I’m starting to believe it…[/quote]
You’re missing my point, and splitting pubes over a couple of words.
However, I’ll rephrase: using methods that Westside uses in their training, such as dynamic effort days, use of chains/bands, conjugate method, etc. won’t make you improve if you’re not addressing your weaknesses, and furthermore, I believe they’re not necessary or even optimal for less advanced lifters to progress.
If you think Westside is the most effective training program for everyone, I think you are far off base. People who are not neurally efficient won’t benefit much from a low volume day where they work up to a maximal set - they could probably do sets of 8-10 reps with 80% of their one rep max because they’re so neurally inefficient. Likewise, what is the point of squatting with 55% 1RM + bands for speed if the lifter is so neurally inefficient that they can’t accelerate the bar any faster than 90%? Honestly, if you think Westside is more effective than things like linear progression for beginners, I strongly disagree.
Also, my last point, just because you disagree doesn’t mean you have to turn yourself into a total prick with the “dude you fail miserably” shit. You failed to support your argument that Westside is the best program for every lifter, and it seems like you posted for no reason other than to take a dump on my opinion and experience. It’s a shame people can’t use this site as a valuable resource for sharing training information and experiences, because they’re too concerned with taking a shit on other people.[/quote]
First off, at what point did I say it was the best program for every lifter? I didn’t, so much for supporting an argument I didn’t make. The argument I made is that you’re one of the god knows how many people that likes to tell people “I’m doing westside” when you don’t have a clue what it is. That is a miserable fail.
Secondly, I didn’t post to take a dump on you, I posted so that people didn’t think your dump on westside actually meant anything. You’re dumping on a system of lifting you don’t even understand, and that’s misinformation. I posted so that people don’t think it’s the norm, I could give a fuck less what you do in your training.
As far as training for beginners, I’m a fan of the basics, “ready to powerlift”, 5x5, and starting strength. However, no where did the poster ask about programs for beginners or about addressing weakpoints, he asked about band tensions, and you felt the need to go off on a tangent about how what you thought was westside (low volume ME day? its low volume now? You better tell Louie that…) didn’t work for you. You went off on a bad tangent, you got called out on it.