I want to to start incorporating bands into my lifting for dynamic effort work and to add some variety when working up to heavy doubles or singles. The question I have is what combination of bands I need to start with, I would like to not have to buy more than 3 pairs. I am currently benching around 380, squatting about 425 and deadlifting 495.
I tore up my knee a while back so I’ve only been able to really hit squat and dl hard for about the past year after years of neglect so those numbers are still climbing pretty well.
I was thinking about some short bands for the deadlift since I don’t have access to a platform where I can anchor them other than standing on the shorts.
Are the shorts long enough to use on bench and would I be able to use the same ones as dl or would they need to be lighter? What resistance would be recommended for dynamic effort vs heavy sets?
Short bands are great for bench and dead, not so much for squats but you can make it work with the right rack. I’d recommend short light and medium from elitefts with your numbers (almost exactly where I’m at)
Long “Light” bands for bench and squat
Long “monster mini” bands bench and accessory work
Short “light” bands dead lifts
I also would recommend buying a single long mini band, I use it for warmups, shoulder stuff, and some accessory work.
I bought almost all of the elite bands but these are the ones that you will use the most.
Thanks mkral55, the light and medium were what I was leaning towards on the the shorts. I am thinking maybe a light or medium long also for box squats and other uses?
[quote]smallmike wrote:
How do the elitefts brand bands compare with the jumpstretch or iron woody ones?[/quote]
I have Elite bands 12" and 41", plus a set of jumpstretch and a few sets from retailer I got at the Arnold Fitness Expo. Other than differences in color they are all the same.
[quote]Huey04 wrote:
Thanks mkral55, the light and medium were what I was leaning towards on the the shorts. I am thinking maybe a light or medium long also for box squats and other uses?[/quote]
Of you are gonna get long bands then you may as well just use em for everything. You can double up a long band, but you cant make a short band longer. Although i will say if i get to choose, i still prefer short bands for bench and deads, its just slightly less hassle.
Also it depends on your setup, for instance one of my gyms has squat racks i can do reverse band squats and deads with the bands on the pins. If your only option for squats is looking for pegs on/near the ground, or using DBs, then obviusly you have no choice.
And finally, they arent super expensive. Grab a couple of each and try em out.
Thanks for the suggestions. I decided to go with average short bands and both the monster mini and light long bands. I figure with the lighter long bands I can use one or both sizes if needed for squatting (my gyms rack has pins on the bottom and top and is about 8.5’ tall) and either double up the longs or use the short for bench and use the short for deadlift.