My current shoulder day looks like this (goal is hypertrophy):
Military Press 12-10-8-6
3 sets
DB Lateral raises 3 sets
DB front raises 3 sets
DB bent over raises 3 sets
(Maybe some shrugs at the end)
My question is, would using the DB seated press in there overload the anterior deltoids for the week, considering that I’m doing bench and incline on chest/tri day? Would upright rows be a better option?
Which would you advise?
OR, potentially include BOTH at the expense of the front raises? i.e.
Standing BB Military Press
Upright Rows
Seated DB shoulder press
DB lateral raises
DB Bent over raises
I did a similiar workout to the 1st one for shoulders, minus the front raises and no upright rows on top on flat/incline benching and now my I have shoulders problems.
Not saying this will happen to you, but I’m just saying seeing it can happen.
Depends really on you, as in how fast your delts recover. Personally I think the front raises aren’t really needed, as the anterior delts will get plenty of stimulation with your other shoulder and chest work. As for the upright rows, if you don’t have any problems with them, do them instead of the seated press, but if you have any shoulder issues, stop.
Give it a try, and if you find that your delts don’t recover fast enough for optimal performance on your chest day, then cut some of the exercises/volume on your shoulder day.