Im making some changes to my new plan, and today I decided it might be beneficial for me to focus on upper body for a while. I do a lot of deadlifting, DB snatches, and 1-leg squats, so my lower body is doing pretty good. As for my upper body, I could use some work. My chest, shoulders and back are fairly strong, but my arms are weak. So this program will be aimed at upper body strength with a focus on arms.
My upper body is free from any injuries, but there are certain moves i have to avoid, or I get a shoulder impingement under clavicle near the AC joint.
So, overhead pressing with a bar, and other moves may be out for a while at least.
My aim is to focus on the exercises that give me the greates gains in strength, while having minimal risk of imingement or any injuries. Heres what ive come up with.
Workout A:
A1 Dips or Decline db bench 6rm
A2 Neutral grip hang pullups 6rm 15:00 target appox 30 rep
Assistance work: Face pulls, overhead shrugs, lateral/rear delt work 3x8
Workout B:
A1 Snatch grip deadlifts 6rm 15:00 target approx 30 reps
B1: Barbell curls 6-10rm
B2: Floor Db tri extensions 6-10 rm 15min approx 30-50rep
Workout C:
A1 DB floor press 6rm
A2 Chest supported rows 6rm 15:00 target 30 reps.
Assistance work: (similar to workout A)
Workout D:
A1 Sumo deadlifts 2-4rm 15:00 target 15-20 reps
Workout E:
A1 Single DB push press 6rm
A2 Other arm 6rm
A3 Chinups 3-6rm 20:00 target 30 reps
Asistance work: (similar to workout A)
Thats the entire program. It may need some changes as i go, but its the general design. What do you guys think?