Hey everyone, lookin for good serious responses here on a critique program of mine. Looking to add some serioue size and strength to my upper body and bring up some weakpoints (medial delts, chest). Focus is on bench press increasing as well.
A little bit confused as to whether have a seperate shoulder day or is this 2x per week split alright.
Here we go.
Upper body Day 1:
Chest: Bench press ramp up to 5RM for a few weeks, ramp up to 3RM for a few weeks.
Bench Press extra wide grip each week new rep range (10,8,6) 2 sets.
Chest Flyes 3x12 - just using same weight.
Shoulders: Military or DB overhead press - 3x10,4x8, 5x6, 3x6 (each week different rep range)
Back: Bent Over Rows (same rep range as above)
Chin ups - 3x8, 4x6, 5x5, 3x5.
Triceps: Dips 3x8-12 (ramping up to max for first set, backing off on other 2)
Rear Delts: Rear raises 3x12
Need one more exercise here as well for rear delts but cant’ think of one at the
Biceps: Hammer curls or alternating DB curls - 4x8-10 (ramp)
(I know it seems like a lot but I can get through it pretty quickly…takes about an hour and 15 min)
Upper Body Day 2:
CHEST:Bench Press ramp up to ONE single heavy rep…not a grinder or anything just to get used to heavier weights. After that:
3x8, 4x6, 6x4, 3x5 (different rep range each week)
CHEST: Incline Bench Press:
3x8, 4x6, 5x5, 3x5. (same above)
Triceps: Close grip bench press - 2x10.
Shoulders: 1) Lateral raises 3-4x8-12
2) ?
(once again need another exercise for medial deltoid)
REALLY trying to bring up this area)
Back: Pull up 3x10, 4x8, 5x6, 3x6 (diff rep range each week)
One Arm DB Row: warm up with a few weights then ramp and max out to 12-15 reps. 2 sets.
Biceps: BB Curl 3-4x6-10.