Critique on Upper Body Program

Hey everyone, lookin for good serious responses here on a critique program of mine. Looking to add some serioue size and strength to my upper body and bring up some weakpoints (medial delts, chest). Focus is on bench press increasing as well.
A little bit confused as to whether have a seperate shoulder day or is this 2x per week split alright.
Here we go.

Upper body Day 1:

Chest: Bench press ramp up to 5RM for a few weeks, ramp up to 3RM for a few weeks.
Bench Press extra wide grip each week new rep range (10,8,6) 2 sets.
Chest Flyes 3x12 - just using same weight.

Shoulders: Military or DB overhead press - 3x10,4x8, 5x6, 3x6 (each week different rep range)

Back: Bent Over Rows (same rep range as above)
Chin ups - 3x8, 4x6, 5x5, 3x5.

Triceps: Dips 3x8-12 (ramping up to max for first set, backing off on other 2)

Rear Delts: Rear raises 3x12
Need one more exercise here as well for rear delts but cant’ think of one at the

Biceps: Hammer curls or alternating DB curls - 4x8-10 (ramp)

(I know it seems like a lot but I can get through it pretty quickly…takes about an hour and 15 min)

Upper Body Day 2:

CHEST:Bench Press ramp up to ONE single heavy rep…not a grinder or anything just to get used to heavier weights. After that:
3x8, 4x6, 6x4, 3x5 (different rep range each week)

CHEST: Incline Bench Press:
3x8, 4x6, 5x5, 3x5. (same above)


Triceps: Close grip bench press - 2x10.

Shoulders: 1) Lateral raises 3-4x8-12
2) ?
(once again need another exercise for medial deltoid)
REALLY trying to bring up this area)

Back: Pull up 3x10, 4x8, 5x6, 3x6 (diff rep range each week)
One Arm DB Row: warm up with a few weights then ramp and max out to 12-15 reps. 2 sets.

Biceps: BB Curl 3-4x6-10.

I think the search function should become your best friend. Also, didn’t you already post a similar thread about exercises to make you look good?

So that’s that…I deload every 5th week and just keep intensity the same but cut volume in half. Then back at it again. Anything I mean ANYTHING you guys see that can be better substituted please do tell. I only have free weights though, no machines.

Like Professor X mentioned before he wants BASKETBALL shoulders…well I’m on the same path now lol - I would really like my shoulders to stand out and I know I’m defianetly getting enough stiulation to my front deltoids…but very curious if the 2 exerises for medial and rear is enough…or should it be done 2x a week?
I want a good BALANCE in this program for the shoulders.
So perhaps training them on a seperate day? I have no clue…you be the judges lol.
Side note: I look very thick from the side shoulder view…not so much from the front. This is where the lateral raises comes into play and hopeuflly it’s enough?

Also…I don’t have access to db’s for DB bench pressing…I have adjustable DB’s and go up with 80’s for military presses and such but the ROM is just too small for DB bench pressing.

Thanks a lot guys! Looking forward to critique.

[quote]WestCoast7 wrote:
I think the search function should become your best friend. Also, didn’t you already post a similar thread about exercises to make you look good?[/quote]

Yes I did, but it was a flop…there was no critique on the program…hopefully this will spark something new. I know there’s guys here that have the right answers and if something’s wrong hopefully can steer me in a better direction.

Are you planning on gaining some weight rast?

Idk, I’d personally think you’d be better off if you split it into more days, at least for gaining size and strength. And the question of whether to ramp or not should be determined by you. Usually if I do triceps after bench I won’t ramp up. Depending on the exercise, I might just do one light set to get the groove of the movement, then get onto my work sets. Depends on how warmed up you feel.

Please everybody ignore rasturai posts and rant about something else

Seems like a ton of work man. I think that you could get results out of half the volume for each day.

Well I could move the bent over rows and chin-ups to my deadlift day…On my deadlift day I only have 2 exercises, just that I like to keep leg sessions short so I can spend more time practicing kicks and knees. (deadlifts and stiff legs) so it’d be.

Chest: Bench press ramp up to 5RM for a few weeks, ramp up to 3RM for a few weeks.
Bench Press extra wide grip each week new rep range (10,8,6) 2 sets.
Chest Flyes 3x12 - just using same weight.

Shoulders: Military or DB overhead press - 3x10,4x8, 5x6, 3x6 (each week different rep range)

Triceps: Dips 3x8-12 (ramping up to max for first set, backing off on other 2)

Rear Delts: Rear raises 3x12
Need one more exercise here as well for rear delts but cant’ think of one at the

Biceps: Hammer curls or alternating DB curls - 4x8-10

Thanks angus! Totally forgot about exrx got my 2 exercises now lol.

[quote]optheta wrote:
Please everybody ignore rasturai posts and rant about something else[/quote]

Do you prefer ground buffalo or ground beef? taking into account price, taste, health benefits, and overall manliness, which one do you like better?

optheta prefers the cock actually. you guys should really hook up so you can taste eachothers, talk about the health benefits…and who’s more manly when givin it.

[quote]rasturai wrote:
optheta prefers the cock actually. you guys should really hook up so you can taste eachothers, talk about the health benefits…and who’s more manly when givin it.

Do you know from personal experience? I think I’ll stick with the females, but thanks for a look into your personal lifestyle, I guess you have to get your protein somehow!

No actually I don’t. Sorry westcoast I’m straight. BUT I saw your father is a gay proud member on this site and posted about his love for cock and that him and optheta had hooked up…happened all in the GAL forum. Who woulda thought!? He said he’s really into dating strangers and new cock cause he didn’t want to feed it to his son (westcoast7) anymore. I’m sure you guys could have a 3some.

He also said he does like to play that role of “female” as you described above, you fags always love a little roleplay…good for you for sticking with the “females”. Don’t be ashamed westcoast of who you truly are…if you need to see the guys you fuck as females it’s all good. Whatever makes you sleep at night.

Have a good day.

[quote]rasturai wrote:
No actually I don’t. Sorry westcoast I’m straight. BUT I saw your father is a gay proud member on this site and posted about his love for cock and that him and optheta had hooked up…happened all in the GAL forum. Who woulda thought!? He said he’s really into dating strangers and new cock cause he didn’t want to feed it to his son (westcoast7) anymore. I’m sure you guys could have a 3some.

He also said he does like to play that role of “female” as you described above, you fags always love a little roleplay…good for you for sticking with the “females”. Don’t be ashamed westcoast of who you truly are…if you need to see the guys you fuck as females it’s all good. Whatever makes you sleep at night.

Have a good day.[/quote]

Your mind really just goes on a role creating that sort of stuff, in an almost disturbing fashion. You might want to take your act somewhere else, where they might actually want to read your homoerotic journal entries.

It’s all quoted shit from your father man. No act here. Truth hurts.

I know you were probably fantasizing about my father and weights or whatever you’ve been writing about, but disappointingly enough for you he does not go to the gym nor is he a member of T-Nation. Try not to cry.

Like I said before don’t be ashamed.
We’ll get rid of this thread so the other members don’t find out about you. I’m doing you a favour.

Guess wat, I win