I don’t know if it’s a problem using an old thread but I thought going to share my opinion on the upcoming test e + npp cycle.
I started Tuesday with 50 mg npp and going to pin EOD for the next 4ish weeks than I’ll escalate the dose. I go up with the test up to 300 and also the npp to around 300ish. I hope I won’t need any drug to combat the sides. I have p5p on hand just in case. But i don’t like to treat drugs with other drugs. If I get some sides I’ll reduce the dose or I’ll switch the drug.
50 mg EOD is a conservative dose. For me personally, most of my sides are controllable with P5P. The only other thing I have found helps me during 19-Nors cycles is MENT, for my mood sides
I always liked to add an oral (20mg/day) to level the AAS curve.
I usually ran 200mg/wk Test C and 200 mg/wk Deca (I pinned one on Saturday and the other on Wednesday, but if I had it to do over I would have done both twice a week in halved doses) [1970’s thru 1990’s, not much scientific info in those days]
What is your typical deca/npp dose and your MENT? Do you run the ment as a ratio or just a set dose of ?MG/WK? Is the ment just to combat sides or are you applying it for strength/size?
No not my first cycle but my first cycle with two injectables. I’ll slowly escalate with time, it could look like this:
300 test e the whole time ( I don’t think test should be run higher, for this we have anabolics)
~200mg npp weeks 0-4
~300mg + npp weeks 5-?
I consider also to include mast at 200mg around week 4 but we’ll see.
all of my nand and tren cycles have been 300-400 mg/wk (my first cycle with each I started around 200 mg/wk and gradually bumped it up). I run MENT low for the mood boost. I have run as low as 5 and as high as 10 mg/day, which I would consider low dose for a blast. Even on the high end of that range I have E2 issues, but I am also running moderate to high test (600 mg/wk).
I don’t think I am getting much strength size out of that dose, but I cannot overstate the mood improvement, even when running nand or tren.
I thought so. 1mg/lb seems to be pretty conservative for nandrolone. I think 1.5-2 mg/lb is more of a moderate dose. The two main nandrolones, NPP and deca, both have a high ester weight, so you aren’t getting as much hormone per mg. A good buddy of mine, when I first started nand, told me to run it at 300-400 mg/wk and he considered it moderate. To be fair, he was also a huge dude and a big juice head lol. At the end of the day, it’s all relative and is about what you’re comfortable with and how you handle it. I seem to be able to handle harsher compounds and higher doses better than most.
Yeah it’s a really conservative dose but I think that’s how you should go with compounds you don’t know especially with 19-nor.
Why is the water weight of npp and deca almost the same? Does it mean the half-life isn’t as short as we think? Pp half-life 2.5 days?
I consider to inject in my calf. Up to 1 ml. Why? I noticed some local growth after my first injections into my delta so I’ll try it with calves. What are your thoughts on this ?
I completely agree, that was how I ran both nand and tren my first time.
The ester weight is not what determines half life. USUALLY, a heavier ester means a longer half lift, but not in the case of the phenylpropionate ester. The half-life is about 2.5 days. I cannot answer why the ester weight is what it is.
Localized growth isn’t really a thing with AAS, I do believe that delts and upper body in general respond better to AAS, though I have nothing but anecdotal evidence to back that up.
Hmm pretty sure my delta immediately after a few days after my very first injections seems to be bigger. It could be placebo I don’t know…
We’ll see with the claves
Thanks for the reply. I tried running MENT in the past but the PIP was nuts. Currently running a test/deca bulk. I’m almost 3 weeks in and thinking of adding MENT at .5ml OED. What are you doing to control E2? I seem to be able to get away with no issues even at moderate doses. Can typically do 12.5mg x 2 per wk of aromison on 750 test/600 deca and have no issues. Thinking if the MENT goes in I may need to up that a bit.
I have had zero pip with MENT, but I am also running .08mL oil per day (8mg/day). How many mgs is .5 mL? That sounds like a lot at 100 mg/mL. If you have never run it before, I would go smaller dose than that.
I am currently running 20 mg/day nolva and .5 mg adex EOD. Gyno is the only E2 issue I am having, but it has been hard to control. current cycle is 600/400/400/56 test c/tren a/bold c/MENT. I seem to be a bit of a high aromatizer, even after losing about 20 lbs this cycle.
Thats why i have always wanted to inject triceps, but i have always pussied out since im doing 23g needles my whole life.
Now when im micro-dosing with slin pins, i might nuke em tris…
Then it was very poorly made. It’s almost impossible to make MENT with pip unless you’re actively trying to make it uncomfortable. I’ve taken almost 300 shots of MENT of varying doses over the last nine months and not once has it caused pip. But then again I made mine at reasonable concentrations and didn’t have to do anything special to it.
It was produced by a very reputable UGL at 50mg/ml. I think it was their first batch and I was injecting into delts but I had just begun doin this so maybe the muscle just needed to be broken in. Are you still using yours? I haven’t seen your log pop up in a while.