Nandrolone (NPP) Tips?

I still PCT rather than blast and cruise and will probably keep it that way so Deca is pretty much off the table due to how long it would keep me suppressed. NPP seems like the better option in my case.

I still have a lot of potential growth that I’m sure I can achieve with less harsh compounds, so won’t be using nandrolone for some time to come. That being said, I imagine one day I will use it as it seems to be one of the best to drive growth, so thought it would be worth gathering some information on.

Any tips from those of you who have used NPP before? Test/Nand ratio? Physical/mental sides experienced? How to avoid the dreaded ‘deca-dick’? Etc.

I cannot comment on how to avoid sides after coming off since I am a TRT guy.

With that said I ran my Test:NPP at 525:350. As far as sides, I had 3. One was mood, which I largely used P5P to help keep in check (it didn’t fix my mood issues but did lessen them a lot). The second was poor diastolic blood pressure. My BP was around 125/65, which is a sign of a hardening heart. To my knowledge there is nothing that can be done to prevent that while on nandrolone. It has bounced back since coming off though. The third was Central Serous Retinopathy. This is a very long side to talk about, but basically the only cure was coming off gear altogether, which I did come off of everything except HCG. I have had zero ED or libido issues while on or since coming off NPP, but I know this is not always the case.

With all of that said, I will absolutely run nandrolone again in the future. I will not run NPP for 14 week again though. If I run nand for that long it will be ND.

As far as NPP vs ND for long tern suppression, I don’t think the ester makes a difference in regards to that because (if I remember correctly) the suppression is caused by nandrolone metabolites, which can last up to 18 months in the blood regardless of ester used. (This is just me rambling off of the top of my head about 30 minutes after waking up, so this could be a bit off.)


I just wrapped up NPP for five weeks. I stopped because of a few sides that weren’t worth it to me and the gains were no greater in my opinion that just test. I was doing a 2:1 Test C to NPP. I did NPP over deca because I was worried about sexual side affects. I didn’t have any with NPP, though now that I am off of it I do notice that my libido and erections are stronger without it, but it wasn’t a big deal. My issues with NPP was predominantly mood based. Aggression, increased anxiety, most mornings had a pit in my stomach. Stopped NPP and stuck with TC blast, it all went away. I also had a 15 mmHg increase in my systolic BP, that went away as well. I’m still looking for a good injectable for next blast but for now I’ll stick to adding oxandrolone to finish out the cycle.

I will say, I seem to have had a much better response to nandrolone than many of the regulars on here. I am not sure if I am the norm or the exception though.

I just stopped my 4th run of NPP due to sides. I have a love hate relationship with her.

I love, love, love the way I look on NPP…until her sides show up. My traps look huge and my neck looks like I wrestled in high school and college.

I hate her because I still have not figured out how to use her without encountering unbearable sides - specifically high BP, anger, and edema.

I refer to NPP as a her because she reminds me of a girlfriend I had in my 20s who I LOVED the way she looked but I could not, for the life of me, figure out how to make it work with her. So I kept going back to her, loving that body, and getting burned over and over again.

So, I’ll preface my recommendation with:

  1. I’m relatively new to AAS use. Only 1 year now.
  2. My standard disclaimer: my advice is based on my experience and yours may be very different. We all react VEEERY differently to steroids. Some dudes laugh at my advice and run 1,000mgs of Test and 400mgs of NPP with no issues. I’m convinced those people are not human.
  3. Admittedly, I’ve had to cut all four of my runs with NPP short because it did not go well. So, I’m not yet experienced in what does work. I have only experienced what doesn’t work.

That said, when you do give her a go, here’s what I recommend. Maybe others will back me or tell you to ignore me. We’ll see.

Rule #1 know thyself. If you haven’t already, figure out the max dose of Test you can use without experiencing bad sides-specifically edema and elevated BP-and without needing an AI. Plan on running a little less Test than that alongside NPP. So if you tolerate 500 well, plan 400. Next, I suggest running NPP at half that dose, or 200mg, whichever is less. Start both compounds at the same time. Pin as frequently as you are comfortable with, the more frequent the better. DO NOT frontload either compound. When Test reaches max concentration, steady state (6 half lives), evaluate how you feel and how progress is coming. If you feel fine and you’re making gainz, don’t mess. Don’t tempt NPP. She is a nasty, nasty bitch. If you feel OK, diet and training are truly on point, and want to see if you can get more out of her, proceed with caution, and slowly titrate NPP higher, with a 1:1 ratio being the absolute max. Beyond that, and you are asking for crushing headaches, skin that looks and feels like a waterbed from the 80s, dangerously high BP, and erectile dysfunction. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

In summary, NPP will blow you up quick, especially in the upper back region if you train it hard. You’ll likely love the way you look and how full your muscle bellies feel. But be conservative with her. Start slow and low. If you decide to increase, do it very slowly. You want to see how long you can stay with her without her nasty side showing up, because when it does, you won’t be able to manage it, you’ll tap out and drop her from your cycle like me and so many other guys have done.

I plan to go back to her one more time in the near future, using the approach I just described to you. Not sure when that will be. We’re on a break right now, she and I.


@ Professor_Hulk
Have you ever tried using deca instead of NPP? Not sure if they would react any different. I’ve run deca at 1:1 and at 1:2 and didn’t see a greater benefit to the later. Never had sides but deca doesn’t play well with my bloodwork frequency for HRT so was thinking of running NPP in feb after january bloods.

@ jjs1795
Sorry to hijack your post. From my limited experience with nands I would say Hulks advice is solid. Start low. You won’t know how you will react until you try.

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That might explain my situation.
I’m trying out npp with just a real low dose. 100mg a week .twice a week injection with my TRT at 200mg.
Having some headaches. Just don’t feel quite right…
Appetite is way up. And feeling like my body is warmer. But blood pressure is still within normal range. But I’d rather not chance it

I started NPP one week ago. ~200mg with 150mg of test e. I upped my test now to 300 because this is the amount I’ll take during my coming cycle. So until now I feel good some kind of hotter but no real mental sides, maybe very very subtle but cannot say it for sure we’ll see next week’s as I up the NPP dose. However I already got some volume in the muscle :slight_smile:

Good job on posting on a thread thats dead for months :smiley:

I’m getting better in that lately :joy:

After how long is it a good idea to up the NPP dosage?

If you’re making decent progress with mild sides, stick with the current dose. You’re more likely to increase sides than effectiveness when you up the dose. At least in my experience that is how it has been.

More is not always better with AAS

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Yeah I’m the same opinio! So I started two weeks ago very “low” with 200 mg a week. I’m maybe, maybe one pound up. Is it still to early or it this dosage to low for me. Almost 220 at 5,9.

I would ride that dosage for at least 3 weeks. But if you are already having sleep issues, why increase the dose? Figure out the sleep issues first and then look at upping the dose later

It wasn’t from the NPP the last night’s I slept normally. But thanks for the advise. I ask this question because I don’t notice any side effects. Some fullness but no weight gain. I’ll watch the scale for the next week and see what happens if my weight goes up even 1 pound a week I’ll milk this dosage! I’m not prone to water retention not even on 650 test. But something must happen the goal is to grow! I eat 4kcal low fat high carb. I asked if there is some pattern to increase the dose like there is one to start. For example 5-6 mg per kg bodyweight. 2-3 should come from test the rest from steroids for your specific goal! But I think 5-6 is too low for me. It’ll be my 3/4 cycle depends on how you calculate the first ones but I experienced test already as high as 700mg a week.

sorry for an asshole comment, but if you gain only 1 pound in 2 weeks then the dose is not a problem…
not that there is anything wrong with slow gains… but that you gains are food and training dependant… if you wanted to gain more, you should have eaten more.

You said you are up a pound or so. It’s only your second week. If this is your first time with NPP stay where you are for now and make sure your diet and training are on point.


I eat 4k kcal from clean food. I’m on the second week day 10 so it’s still time to see changes. This morning j was a little over one pound up. I’ll continue to observe till day 20th then I will sit down in calm and revaluate the situation.

I also consider to change my groaning style to more volume less frequent something like a bro split. But evenwith this I go slowly because I’m out of a summer break so I grow with very little volume tight now. Even when the temptation to over do is very strong ;D

However what I thought about to talk is I’m much more leaner than some weeks ago so it could be I recomp… Argh all this possible scenarios here

For now continue with dose and food quantity until day 20 of cycle then re-evaluate the situation!

Btw I did my first calf injection today and it feels like a normal pip of an virgin muscle. I like this feeling though reminds me of training soreness :slight_smile:

Look at it this way… 1 pound in 10 days means 3 pounds a month and 36 pounds a year. If those are somewhat lean, isnt that increadible amounts of muscle?


You’re absolute right :slight_smile: