I just stopped my 4th run of NPP due to sides. I have a love hate relationship with her.
I love, love, love the way I look on NPP…until her sides show up. My traps look huge and my neck looks like I wrestled in high school and college.
I hate her because I still have not figured out how to use her without encountering unbearable sides - specifically high BP, anger, and edema.
I refer to NPP as a her because she reminds me of a girlfriend I had in my 20s who I LOVED the way she looked but I could not, for the life of me, figure out how to make it work with her. So I kept going back to her, loving that body, and getting burned over and over again.
So, I’ll preface my recommendation with:
- I’m relatively new to AAS use. Only 1 year now.
- My standard disclaimer: my advice is based on my experience and yours may be very different. We all react VEEERY differently to steroids. Some dudes laugh at my advice and run 1,000mgs of Test and 400mgs of NPP with no issues. I’m convinced those people are not human.
- Admittedly, I’ve had to cut all four of my runs with NPP short because it did not go well. So, I’m not yet experienced in what does work. I have only experienced what doesn’t work.
That said, when you do give her a go, here’s what I recommend. Maybe others will back me or tell you to ignore me. We’ll see.
Rule #1 know thyself. If you haven’t already, figure out the max dose of Test you can use without experiencing bad sides-specifically edema and elevated BP-and without needing an AI. Plan on running a little less Test than that alongside NPP. So if you tolerate 500 well, plan 400. Next, I suggest running NPP at half that dose, or 200mg, whichever is less. Start both compounds at the same time. Pin as frequently as you are comfortable with, the more frequent the better. DO NOT frontload either compound. When Test reaches max concentration, steady state (6 half lives), evaluate how you feel and how progress is coming. If you feel fine and you’re making gainz, don’t mess. Don’t tempt NPP. She is a nasty, nasty bitch. If you feel OK, diet and training are truly on point, and want to see if you can get more out of her, proceed with caution, and slowly titrate NPP higher, with a 1:1 ratio being the absolute max. Beyond that, and you are asking for crushing headaches, skin that looks and feels like a waterbed from the 80s, dangerously high BP, and erectile dysfunction. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
In summary, NPP will blow you up quick, especially in the upper back region if you train it hard. You’ll likely love the way you look and how full your muscle bellies feel. But be conservative with her. Start slow and low. If you decide to increase, do it very slowly. You want to see how long you can stay with her without her nasty side showing up, because when it does, you won’t be able to manage it, you’ll tap out and drop her from your cycle like me and so many other guys have done.
I plan to go back to her one more time in the near future, using the approach I just described to you. Not sure when that will be. We’re on a break right now, she and I.