I’ve unlearned everything traditional, now what have I learned to move forward to getting jacked, stacked, plump muscles.
Super high reps very much work.
I can train the same muscles daily and they grow, the key here is not doing set after set, but only 1-2sets.
I prefer just to train a different exercise of the same body-part the next day or daily.
Eating, high protein is overrated and probably holding back size gains, this is of course if your training most of the body daily.
I will begin logging again here in the next week.
I’ve made some changes, only because I learned they work and know they can be used again, when needed.
I’m not doing super-high rep squats every week now, instead I’m doing a different leg movement about every other day-
Walking lunges, holding a pair of hammer bars.
Weighted wall sits, holding weights (you know where I got that one from).
Goblet squats, holding a hammer bar (you can load well over 200 here).
Heavy plate RDLs non-stop reps, never locking out (best glute/ham movement ever).
A shoulder exercise about every other day-
one-press with hammer bar, from the side of shoulder/back of the shoulder.
super-wide grip standing incline (against the wall leaning against a ladder, lol) barbell presses.
Still doing higher rep floor presses, great arm juicer.
arms everyday - curls day 1, skull crushers day 2
A back exercise about every other day-
Heavy plate BOR
KROC rows with hammer bar
Behind the back dead lift
Behind the back shrugs
one-arm upright rows (oh yeah)
Heavy loading pin dead lift (stack 100’s on a loading pin and lift for reps).
That’s the meat and potatoes, logging starts in a week!