Uneven Ab Development, HELP!

Hey guys I need your help with this. Lately I’ve been dieting down and my abs are really starting to come out. However, there is a problem for some reason the whole left side of my abs, including obliques, is more developed than my right. It is slightly more cut but primarily it is just plain bigger, thus looking more cut. I mean even when just standing there the left side sticks out more through the fat that remains as well. Let me give you a little background first I had a hernia operation on the right side a few years ago just below the belt line. I also have been doing core stregthening excercise for the past few months to help recovery from a back injury due to squatting. Perhaps I’m just favoring the one side over the other during these core excercises. Though it doesn’t seem that way. Also sometimes my scar from my hernia op. will hurt when doing ab training, not much but it does hurt. Anyone have a clue why I have this uneven development? Moreover, does anyone know how I can correct this? Thanks.

Explain your core training in detail? What is you body fat percentage?

The problem could be in your spine. I’d get someone to assess your posture from behind, side and front as well as your hips. If there is any curvature of your spine this can cause you to favor one side. If one shoulder sits higher than the other this can be another symptom of the same thing. If your hips alignment is not perfect this could also be a contributor. I had some of the same problems several years ago and never realized until someone assessed my spine that I have minor congenital scoliosis which caused uneven ab development among other things.

I am the same way and I assume it is due to a little curvature of the spine. I always assumed it was simply an aesthetic problem as no doctors giving me physicals ever deemed it a problem.

My bodyfat is roughly in the 9s. I don’t really trust my calipers too much and go by the mirror. I have a decent four pack going. I do have/had a curvature in the spine. I hurt my back earlier this year while racking the bar for squats. I had the pins set too high and had to kind of twist to get it up there and well there was some pain in my back. So I have been seeing a chiropractor since june. My x-rays showed a curvature of the spine which also pulled the hip up some on one side, though I forget which. Perhaps I should ask him on his thoughts on how to correct my ab problem. As for the core training excercises I have been doing they are mostly done on a Swiss ball. One excercise in particular seems harder to do on the right side than the left. It involves basically laying on your shoulder blades upon the ball and then stepping off to the side so only one of your blades remains on the ball, keeping your torso level the whole time. My chiropractor told me that he got most of the excercises he has me do from Paul Chek acutally. He actually reads t-mag from time to time and uses advanced protein.