Since none of my friends care, I’m going to rant to T-Nation about my latest brainchild.
Poliquin’s GVT follows a linear stepwise periodization pattern, no? 10 x 10 for 6 microcycles, 10 x 6 for 6 microcycles, then 10 x 6,5,4, for 6 microcycles, then probably a good idea to do 10 x 3 for another 6 microcycles.
So… incorporating the magic of undulating periodization, a size/strength macrocycle would consist of microcycles like so:
MicroCycle(MC) 1 = 10x10
MC2 = 10x6
MC3 = 10x3
MC4 = 10x10
MC5 = 10x6
MC6 = 10x3
Until the program stops working, one reaches their goals, or they get bored.
I’m even thinking decreasing by 2 reps every microcycle:
10x10, 10x8, 10x6, 10x4 (and maybe 10x2). Longer period of time between repetition of the same workout twice.
I have a potential client (an 135 lb, 5’4" Italian fellow) who has been the same weight since his 14th birthday and is looking to put on mass. He said, “I don’t know what the problem is, I eat so many carbs!”
Oh man. I need to help this guy out.
So. Undulating periodization, plus German Volume Training, plus I’ll have him on something similar to massive eating.
Does anyone else agree with me that this plan is FREAKING BRILLIANT?!