(Un)Official 2024 T-ransformation Challenge

This part is what stood out to me. Great post!


I love this rant. You hit the nail on the head here for sure. I could say something similar to alcohol too…I don’t drink often but if I’m going to, it’s gonna be good stuff. Or at least pretty damn decent.


Natural lighting and no-pump photos are for fools and honest folk.

Trick lighting and heel tactics forever #ricflair


damn mate back looks sick. But no Quad shot… sad.

You gotta earn the desert big boi


I’ll show you mine if f you show me yours :joy:

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@simo74 Appreciate the feedback dude. It is funny how often we see that incongruity. I remember reading something similar: Dave Tate hosted a seminar on nutrition with John Meadows at the compound one time, with the focus being on getting bodybuilder lean, and then lunch rolls around and Dave asked “is everyone good with pizza”? The dude writing the article assumed it was a joke, but sure enough, a bunch of large pizzas come rolling into the compound and that’s what these dudes ate while they were learning all the tricks on how to get peeled. Just baffling, haha. I remember hearing from @Chris_Shugart that the folks at Biotest had Finibars available for snacks in the office, and that seems dangerous for entirely different reasons: those things are tasty!

@unicornsandrainbows I LOVE this phrase

I feel like that sums it up perfectly, and is an outstanding metric on evaluating if a cheat is “worth it”. It actually reminds me of something Dr. Anthony Chaffee spoke about regarding his transition to a carnivore way of eating, how, on his birthday, he would ALWAYS get a big thick ribeye steak, and now that’s something he eats everyday, and it makes compliance for him easy, because it’s like everyday is his birthday, haha. We treat ourselves in MANY different ways on our birthday: keeping that as a vector on HOW to treat ourselves WHEN we treat ourselves will keep us in a good way.

@EmilyQ Thanks so much! It’s been such a positive direction to move into. Food is my wife’s love language, and she’s loving being able to express it more and more this way.

@kleinhound You’re beyond the point where we demand PED testing and now at the point where we demand genetics testing to see how much Kryptonian you are.


I think this could hold up in court


Cranberry/rasin oatmeal cookies made with molasses and apricot walnut rolls are old school solutions to old school problems, because they were made with fruit from Mrs. Wozniaks trees for people that needed every calorie they could get. Coal miners, steel workers, stone masons, etc.

Their modern iterations don’t have the same nutritional values, and modern consumers don’t have the same nutritional demands.


This is SO key. I look at how people eat, and you wonder WHAT exactly they are fueling up for. People eat a breakfast that looks like they’re carbloading for a marathon just to go sit at a desk for 8 hours.


I’m glad someone does!

Its so deeply engrained to have the lumberjack special for breakfast that we don’t even realize that we aren’t lumberjacks anymore!


This is why I figure I may as well eat like a fiction character.



Me too



Me three


Crossfit Open kicked off today! I just did the first workout (24.1):

For time
21 1-arm DB snatches (each rep starts with both DB heads on floor, and ends fully locked out)
21 lateral burpees over DB (chest/thighs fully on ground, both feet pass over DB when you do the lateral jump)
21 1-arm DB snatches other arm
21 lateral burpees over DB
15 1-arm DB snatches
15 lateral burpees over DB
15 1-arm DB snatches other arm
15 lateral burpees over DB
9 1-arm DB snatches
9 lateral burpees over DB
9 1-arm DB snatches other arm
9 lateral burpees over DB
(50 lb DB)
My time = 12:28

Hoping to place well enough this year to move on to the quarterfinals. Got only a few “no reps” from the judge, which are demoralizing but part of the competition. It was truly brutal to keep the pass and effort throughout the workout.


Nice man!

My wife is headed to do it (scaled version) this afternoon, and wants me to come cheer her on. I told her I will drink beer until she finishes, so her choices are to win or face devastating embarrassment.

Good luck moving on! It’s 3 weeks of these types of workouts before the next stage, right?


That’s awesome your wife is doing it! For women, the Rx is a 35 lb DB and the scaled is a 20 lber (for men, the Rx is 50 lbs and the scaled is 35 lbs). That’ll make it nice and doable for her, but it’s still an absolute gasser. I’ll be heading over the CF gym tonight to cheer on others doing it, but I wanted to get it out of the way this morning and a judge was willing to be there during the class to make it “official” so I can submit.

Yep. I expect one is like this (strength/endurance), another will have a potpourri of CF movements like toes-2-bar, wall balls, box somethings, and the like. Then there’s usually one killer one that separates the real competitors from pretenders like me. Last year it was super heavy barbell snatches (95 - 135 - 155 - 225 lbs) with handstand push ups and double unders down between snatches. I had to scale that one.


2 months into t-ransformation.

Woke up at a not-bloated 159 today.

7-day average bodyweights.
Jan 10: 152.6 (I didn’t have 7 days of data until this date)
Feb 1: 154.9
Mar 1: 158.4

If I can keep this trend up, I should be on track for my 168-172 goal.


Thanks @antiquity - she did pretty well! Finished in 13:02 with the 20# DB. It looked rough. Good luck on the next two!

That’s awesome @LoRez! Very steady progress


Hell yea, really happy to see this, keep up the great work!