So – three years ago, a very nieve and giddy young me writes a very excited forum thread about how our dream of opening an S&C centre in the UK had finally come true. The thread is here: ( Forums - T Nation - The World's Trusted Community for Elite Fitness )
…to cut a long story short (or TL;DR for any fellow redditors ) - my mate and had been reading ‘t-mag’ since 2001 and wishing that there was somewhere to do all this awesome stuff in the UK. We got drunk, jokingly said we should do it, and somehow it happened.
Well I’m relieved to announce that we’ve made it thru the first three years and we’re still going! The landscape of sports performance has changed MASSIVELY in that time and everything’s looking incredibly positive for the future. At the time we didn’t realise how little the uk knew about the role of s&c and to see the cultural change that has happened since then is incredible.
I’ve recently set up a basic wordpress blog ( which I’m updating with photos of “stuff” when I get the chance. We’ve got some ideas of what might be an awesome coach education site in the future but I’ll leave that till then. For now, it’s rubbish, but it’s more than we had.
Anyway, the point of this post was really just to i) let you guys who remember the thread know that we made it so far, ii) let anyone who hadn’t seen the original thread know that your dream is possible if you just give it a go (I was slash am still just a humble forum lurker who really wanted to do this stuff), and iii) discuss UK stuff with anyone who wants a chat. (but please no questions about set-up costs or finances, it’s just not british =)
best wishes all