Hi all. Wanted to start a thread about my current cycle for any type 1’s out there. There isn’t a ton of info out there about type 1 doing a cycle. After a year of deliberation I decided ro take the plunge and do my first cycle of test only. Ok to my stats.
200lbs starting weight, 32 years old
15-17% bf.
Been lifting for 15 years. Really serious for about 1 1/2 years.
Have been on the 5/3/1 for just over a year and have started to slowly plateu.
Blood work done before starting cycle.
A1c 5.9…woot.
LH and Shsb normal
Cholesterol normal
Test normal…
Got pretty much everthing checked and all is good. Extremely healthy for a type 1.
I’m on a insulin pump which is so sweet. Much better and easier control.
I’m doing a .5ml of test twice a week. Mon and thur. Taking 1 mg of adex eod. Taking a multi vitamine, vitamin d, fish oil, zinc, green tea extract every day.
My pct will be clomid at 100mg for week 1 then 50mg for the 3-4 weeks. Also going to add in daa and forma at 5-6 pumps a day.
So I’m going into my 3rd week and haven’t noticed much yet. Starting to get unreal pumps though. No strength/ libido increases. Have gained 5 lbs. Have been eating clean and alot. 3500-4000 cals a day and 250-300 grams of protein.
Sugars have been good. Only thing I noticed is that I have to bolus more when I eat between 9 am and 4 pm. Maybe some slight insulin resistance. Could also be the extra carbs I eat aswell. Have been eating more paleo the past year untill now.
I welcome positive feed back and any sugestions.
[quote]complete_fraud wrote:
You gotta up the dose my man, 200mg a week isn’t going to give you much results. Bump to 500.[/quote]
I’ve been seeing this more and more lately, 200mg per week is not a cycle, its hormone replacement. A similar dose is given to older men during TRT to replace natural levels. In effect, what you are doing is shutting yourself down with exogenous testosterone while not providing any supra-physiological benefits. 500-600mg/wk would be a good starting point.
Make sure you are getting tons calories, really pound back the peri-workout nutrition, especially with the insulin helping you put it away.
Hey guys thanks for feed back. If you read my first post it says I’m doing .5 ml or 500mg twice a week. So 1000mg or 1ml a week. Pinning twice a week mon and thurs at 500mg each time.
0.5ml x twice a week is a total of 1ml a week. Assuming your test is 250mg/ml or something similar (that’s the norm), that is (1ml x 250mg/ml) = 250mg a week bro. You’re confusing ml and mg.
Ok. I was able to get a third vial of test and my source had dbol. Got a hundred tabs of those aswell. I don’t think ill run it this cycle. Probably save it till next time. Also increased pinning to 1 ml twice a week.
So it works out to 400mg a week. Should be better. I know most guys will say do 500-600mg a week. I just want to go slow for my first cycle and being a diabetic.
So did chest and tri’s today. My flat bench jumped 20lbs easy today easily. Woot! It was kind of weird I put my normal weight on and it just felt lighter. Had a unreal pump. Felt like my chest and tri’s were gonna rip out of my skin. Never had that before. Still no gyno issues or water weight that I can tell. Libedo is up. Can’t stop thinking of sex. Will weight tommorow to see if weight has increased. Blood sugar still staying good. Any other type ones out there can offer feed back would be great.
Felt shitty today. Sugars have been high since about 9 am. Not a hundred percent sure why. My pump and infusion set seem all good. Also just put fresh insulin in it. May because I just quadrupled the test I’m injecting now. I know the first pin I did 3 weeks ago my sugars were just slighty off for a day aswell.
Will wait it out a day or so and see once my hormones balance out a bit. Did back and bi’s and had another sweet pump again. Barley able to get my shirt off. Weighed in at 225 today as well. Up 25lbs. I would guess mostly water atm. My muscle do feel a lot fuller all the time. Any feed back welcome.
Heading into 4th week. Suagrs are still a bit off. O think it could be one of two things. Its either I am more insulin resistant or I may have partially froze my insulin. Getting a fresh vial today and will find out. Have good energy in the gym. After the last two pins since increasing the does I have been getting waves of feeling reallu hot about 3 hrs after. Muscles are feeling full and getting hard. People are starting to comment that I’m looking bigger! No huge jumps in weight other than bech last week. So far so good other than the augars thing. Hope its just a damaged vial.
Thanks for the article. My sugars are all good. Been perfect for the last 2 day. It was a damaged vial(was partially frozen). Going into week 5. Starting to feel good…more happier. Still holding at 225lbs. No increase in weights in the gym.
Woke up today feeling a cold coming on…crap
Everyone else in my house has been sick. Will try all that I can to avoid it. I have been having issuse sleeping. I wake up 3-4 time a night for some reason. Anyone else have this happen to them aswell. I was thinking of adding 30mg a day of the dbol tabs I got starting on Mon. Should I just save them till next go around. Next cycle is was thinking of w 1-6 test prop and w 1-4 tbol. Leaner gains…less water. W 1-6 hcg and clomid w 7-9.
How do you think you look, like a lot bigger, a little bigger and wonder where the 25lb went, etc. I’m surprised you would gain that much water if you are only taking 400mg and you are taking arimidex. I guess the insulin increase(I assume) could be contributing to weight gain and fluid/glycogen retention as well. I have found this interesting.
A gain of 25lb and good strength gains is good for a low dose short cycle. I would probably take 10-20mg dbol a day to help keep gaining strength and size and get past your little plataeu. It would probably be easier do deal with the pct than bumping up the long acting test at the end of a short cycle. I don’t know how the dbol would affect your blood sugar.
I’ve taken insulin with a bunch of kinds of steroids and didn’t notice much difference in how I felt as far as my body responding to a certain number of IUs or how much carbs I needed, but I’m not diabetic and I know there is a big difference how regular meatheads who use insulin to get big and diabetics using insulin to stay alive and healthy respond to things like that.
Good luck. I would like to hear how it all shakes out.
My sugars were awsome all week until… I decided to try the dbol. Totally destroyed my sugars. Been two days and I’m now back to normal I think. Won’t be doing that again. Strictly test only cycles I’m thinling. No more gains in weight in the gym and body. Still around 220-225. I’m in my 5th week. Hope this kicks in soon. Jope my gear isnt bunk. The guy I got it from has done cycles and has got noticeably bigger. I am only doing 450-500mgs a week. So I’m not sure what to expect…maybe I’m expecting more?
Not sure why my other posts aren’t been put up. Any way going into week 9. Up to 240. Lifts are still going up. People are really starting to notice my size increase. Feel super great. Very happy and uphoric. Tons of energy at the gym. Sugars are good. About the same as before. Want sex all the time. I think I’m going to wear out my wife…lol. hope this makes it up on the posts.