Hi all, back and started a second cycle this week.
Type one diabetic on a insulin pump
Weight at 235 with 15% bf. I was at 205 before my first cycle.
Over 30 years old and have been lifting for 15 years.
I’m doing the Wendler 5/3/1 with body building assistance exersises. Lifting four-five times a week. Off days I’m doing a bit of cardio.
Gear I’m using is test-e 500mg a week but front loaed 1000mg the first week, aromasine 12.5 mg every other day, provairion 25 mg a day, hcg 250 ui every 3-4 days. Have clomid for pct. I also have dbol for 4 weeks but won’t stsrt it till next week. Just want to see how I react to the provarion and aromasin since its the first time I used them.
Last time i tried dbol it screwed my sugars up. I want to give it another try bit will wait tilllater. Doing for a super clean diet this time. Lots of protein veggies and fruot. I’m limiting my processed carbs this time to try and limit water retention.
Any positive feed back would be great.
Noticed one thing i noticed already that my hands have that tingling feeling like last time.
I had a question about the cardio I’m doing. I want to know if I should do as much as I’m doing. 30-40 min, 3 times a week. I want to know if I should cut it out. I’m trying to do a lean bulk by cutting out all the crap and eating clean. Should I save the calories I am consuming to grow or keep some cardio in.
Into my second day of dbol. Sugars are good so far…hope that it continues. Starting to get pumps already. Not sure if its the dbol or from the front load. Did chest and tris last night and my tris were so swolen…awesome. no weight gain yet. Still 235 ish. Diet is staying clean.
Been a while since last post…super busy at home. So on my second week of Dbol my sugars went crazy just like last time so I ened up droping the Dbol. I have decided no more orals for me. I still running 500mg test-e a week. Eating clean and alot…so full all the time. Since my last post I was at 235lb, now im up to 245lbs in just over a month.
Looking good so far. My bech is up from 260 to 275 and my DL went from 475 to 500 this week…WOOT! I started hcg a week ago…seems to be keeping the boys nice and large. Last cycle i didnt run hcg and I noticed by this time they were already starting to shrink. Im getting super pumps and just feel around good all the time. I have already got my third cycle ready, but won’t run that till the fall. Gonna run 500mg primo and 300 test-e a week along with hcg again and aromasin. Will try to post weekly from now on.
Going into week eight. Kind of hit a plateau. Been stuck at 250lbs. Stilk eating a ton…very clean…lifts are still slighty increasing. Hit a 315lb bench last week. Not sure what to to. I will switch around the the way im lifting a bit. Maybe do heavy and 4-6 reps for everything. Could up my does I fo have enough oil. Go from 500 to 750. Any thoughts anyone?
did dbol have effect on your glucose levels?