your legs, good sir, do not look fitting on your thicker upper body.
I know buddy, had some ligament problems with my ankle. pain in the ass.
shit man, lookin fucking swole
[quote]pia06rc wrote:
I know buddy, had some ligament problems with my ankle. pain in the ass.[/quote]
Thats a bummer, other than that, looking solid
Looking great man. Could you let us in on the duration of your cut and what your diet and training looked like?
Need legs, traps and triceps. In that order.
Yes it’s weird, really. Before I started cutting my traps looked huge, now they’ve fucking dissapeared into thin air! Triceps have been a weak point for a while, but I’ve brought them up quite a bit over the last few months- they used to be far worse. Legs are deffs behind my upper body, but I think that pic makes em look worse than they really are. I’ll try and get another pic up of them which does them a bit more justice.
What is the duration of your cut?
What is your nutrition like prior and now?
What is you training like prior and now?
What was your goal in this cut?
In your next cut what would you do different?
Been cutting for 6 weeks now. Basically just dropped all carbs out from the diet apart from breakfast, pre+post workout meals and fibrous veg. When bulking was probably 320g pro 500g carbs 80g fat,with lots of dirty cals. Now on 280g pro 150g carb and 80g fat. So probably taking in around 2200kcals a day from nice clean sources. I didn’t gradually decrease the Kcals just jumped straight in, and lost no muscle which is down to quality protein intake I believe.
Weight training kept the same on a 4 day split with same sets/reps. Started doing cardio, initially 3x30mins a week, now 4 x 50mins a week, low to moderate intensity. My goal was to lose as much fat as possible whilst sacrificing little to no muscle. I don’t think I will change things in my next cut. Well hopefully will cut on more calories next time with more muscle!
training weights?
very full man, i’d like to see some meaner back posing at the end of your cut
Solid bro. Give you a 6.5, but I’m a bastard so I have to round down on this thing.
Haha 6.5 rounds up to 7 you tight bastard! yeah ledben my weight training is chest/tri, back/bi, legs (limited at the mo) and shoulders