Incline press 245x2x10
Ohp press 185x1x5 and 135x10x3
Pushdowns 5x20@95
bweight 226
Incline press 245x2x10
Ohp press 185x1x5 and 135x10x3
Pushdowns 5x20@95
bweight 226
Day 1 of new template
Will go into further if people are curious.
Stiff leg deads in oly shoes
135x6x3,185x6,225x5,250x5,275x6 and 295x6+2+2+2. go up 10 pounds next time around
Front squats 135x3x3,185x3x3. Go up 10 pounds next
Standing calf press 185x50x2
Neck work 4 ways with cable attachment 45x15x4x4
Hanging pikes 5x5 go to 6 reps next
bweight 226
Its a 3 day split over 4 workdays with the last day repeating the 1st. There are 3 workouts per split to go through. (aka the dc method)
Will slowly take bodyweight down to under 215.
Will sprint 2/week with some highland games thrown in as well.
Bench press
worked up to 275x6+2+2+2 go up to 285 next
ohp press worked up to 165x6+2+2+2 and 115x15 go up to 170 next
skullcrushers worked up to 135x6+2+2+2 go up to 140 next
bweight 227 -due to drinking over weekend
Diet is getting dialed in now
Clean high pulls from hang
95x6,115x6,135x6,155x6,165x6,175x6 and 185x6+2+2+2
PulldownsSS Cable pullovers
170x6/65x12 5 sets
Barbell curls 95x6+3+3+3+3+3+3
Bodyweight 227
Rick, what’s you diet look like? Is it different on training and non-training days?
Nope just get 3 meals in with a lot of protein first then fill in with everything else at every meal. Really hard to overeat in 6 hrs…
Will start counting macros when the bodyfat and scale stops moving southward.
As I slowly bring up my intensity of training I will experiment with Cyclic Dextrin +Protein (Gemma Pea) pre/peris workout.
Blood sugar has baselined and even after eating a high Carb meal (or beer) it does not move much now -which means I am doing the right thing for me.
Hope this helps.
Some very interesting reading:
Cliff notes: Lowers RPE and raises endurance…
Wrist curls, neck extensions.
3x12x30lbs sets of hammer swings using a Balistica made by sorinex.
10 weight over bar throws with 19 pounds with left,right and both hands trying on all for over 17 feet. Using the Balistica.
Will repeat this on Saturday with more intensity.
135x5x3,185x3,225x3x3,275x2x2,315x1,x2 and 225x10 all ATG paused on pins
Good mornings
leg extensions 150x15x3 done very slowly.
First time sqauting without a box in 6 months and weights felt heavy but strength will comeback fast.
bweight 226.5
Flat bench
135x5x3,185x5,225x3 add slingshot 275x3x2,315x3x2,345x3,365x3 and 365x5
Snatch grip high pull supersetted with rear laterals lying facedown on bench
SGHP 185x5x4,135x10 RLLFD 20x10x5
Overhead snatch grip bar shrugs
Reverse grip fat bar curls
Bweight 228
Also came up with a real good pre-workout formula that’s pretty cool especially since I am lifting on an empty stomach and fasted for 16 hours before training!
Pre-energy workout formula of your choice( I switch between Jack3d or momentum) and I add 25 grams protein and 50 grams waxy maize—wow no fatigue and very good pumps.
looking good
strong pressing.
Box squat to to 1 inch below paralell with 3 second pause
135x5x2,185x3x2,225x3x2,275x3,315x3,365x1 and 405 x1 belt worn on last set
Rack pulls bar touching lower kneecap.
135x5x2,225x5,275x3,315x3x2,365x3,405x5,455x1 and 500x1 - belt was worn on last 2 sets.
Bweight 226
Some sprints were done in morning and after the lift.
Flat dbell press bells palms facing each other bells touching.
50x15x2,60x12,70x12 and 80x10
Super set
Sternum pullups 4x5
rear delt stiff arm pulls in cable crossover 30x15x4
Klokov press
oh shrugs
Fat bar curls
Flat bench
135x5x3,185x5,225x3,275x3 added slingshot 275x3,315x3,365x1x2 and 365x6 ( 1rep pr)
15xbweight and 25xbweight
high pulls
overhead shrugs
barbell fat grip curls
bweight : 223.5 have not started to count macros or Kcal either and weight is coming off still. Started being concerned about my diet around 3/21/13 at 239-243pds and have not lostr any strength at all actually am getting stronger with this new diet.
Weighted vest just showed up so phase 2 starts tomorrow with weighted walks first thing in morning for 20 minutes @ 30lbs.
Weighted vest walk 15 min at 25lbs. Need to make some adjustments to the straps on the vest to get them tighter so the vest is not bouncing around as I walk as much.
Felt good was very nice and peaceful walking in the early morning.
Will do sprints later in the day.
Squats: 135x5x2,185x3,225x3,275x3,315x3,365x3 and 405x6.
Some rep stuff after
Great looks like the old batman show going sideways^^^^^^
Anyways added belt after 365 Sqaut
Hey there!
Man, I hate that I missed your lift today but glad you got video! (Funny how Mikey looked like he kept wanting you to rack!).
Squats form looks good. I think I need some of those anti-gravity lifting shoes.