Another travel day… Got it 400 swings before headed to the airport. On days where time crunched, I just bang out sets of these while doing emails and having coffee in the morning. Will likely do something when I get to Minneapolis as well, depending on schedule.
These are with a 55# KB and sets of 50.
That wasn’t on T Nation. Can’t link it, but it’s in the “Ten Secrets of Shoulder Training” on Thib’s Blog.
Second session at hotel:
6x500 m row with 2’ rest after each. First 5 rounds at 1’40"-1’44". Last one at 1’33"
Then some arms
Still on road - workout in room: 200 burpees in sets of 10. Hmm. That sucked.
So in reading other logs, I have decided to step a few things up:
- Diet - my diet isn’t terrible, just too much booze and not enough protein. Going to start by having a small shake every morning (20-30g) and every afternoon. In looking at my meals, I’ve only been getting about 150g per day at most.
- Extra work - going to do a little work every morning in the form of strict burpees. Adding 1-2 per day till I get to 150. This does a few things: helps me get some upper body pushing without hurting shoulder, and a little extra total volume, and helps the cardio
- Accessories - at least 2x a week hitting arms and shoulders
Will post some pics sometime soon.
AM: 30 burpees
I might, might throw in some burpees for you today. I think I can do those without affecting my hip/back too much. We’ll see. I’m thinking of doing some Tabata style training for cardio today.
Warmup: mobility, aerdyne
- Squat: warmup - about 20 reps 135-225; 3x5 at 265-295-325 (9 reps a Rep PR)
- Push press - 10 reps to a heavy single - 235. Not near a Max but heaviest since last shoulder dislocation
- Metcon with partner:
- 15 min AMRAP: 14 squat clean at 155; 100 foot OH carry w 53# KB
7 rounds + 6 cleans. I did 60 of the 90 cleans.
Good session. Legs smoked.
AM - 31 burpees upon waking - really like how it feels to get moving first thing before walking out the door. 31 burpees feels about like a half mile walk/jog.
Are you doing 31 straight or breaking that into sets?
Sets of 12-10-9
31 in a row would be tough. I did 100 in 7 mins a few weeks ago and thought I was going to die.
Just making sure I’m not a complete wimp by comparison!
Burpees are just brutal. I missed my workout window, so may be all I end up getting in today!
Didn’t get to gym today - meetings got out of hand. Just did 300 swings at home. 55# kb
33 burpees at wake up
PM just did gym Crossfit workout
- Mobility and face pulls and hang from bar
- Squats 5 at 45-135-165 then 50 at 195 over 2’56"
Rest 5 mins - Met Con: 10 min AMRAP of
- 8x GHD sit-ups
- 8x 35# KB thrusters
- 12x 35# KB walking lunges
6 rounds + 8 GHD-8 Thrusters-6 lunges
Thrusters and lunges were 35# in each hand
Rest 5 mins
- Jog 1 mile
Good little workout. Pleased with squats.
- 34 burpees
- Snatch and clean tech work. Didn’t go past 80% - probably 6-8 working reps at 155 and 225 respectively
- Deadlift 3x5 at 325-375-425 - these felt heavy today and realized after that I was supposed to be at 415 vs 425
- Paused deadlift holds 2x10s at 1" off floor, 2x10s at knee, 2x10s at hip
Everything felt slow and heavy today. Might have been the too many drinks and 1 AM bedtime last night (up late catching up with brother in law in town). I always like getting through a workout when feeling less than 100%.
Everything feeling beat up today - so took day off completely.
Rest and recovery is when the growth occurs. I just walked today. Didn’t even break a sweat.
No time, so just did the CrossFit workout strength workout today, which was pretty silly.
- Warm-up - Double unders, job, aerdyne
- Super-Set
A. Front Squat 8x8 at weights between 135 and 185 (4 sets at 185)
B. Walking Lunge 8x8 with 2x35# dumbbells - 35 Burpees