Hi Everyone, I just wanted to put in a note of warning to all of those of us who consume large amounts of fish… particularly large, high-up the foodchain fish like tuna…
I was just told by my doctor that I have dangerously high levels of mercury in my body which has probably:
Suppressed my testosterone levels (and even the T that’s there may not be used for some or another reason),
Can render thyroid hormones impotent even though my thyroid panel is normal,
Is the source of my joint problems, chronic fatigue, insomnia, and general malaise.
I’ve never been exposed to mercury except from eating HUGE quantities of fish every week… especially tuna (swordfish and tuna are supposed to be the worst, mercury-wise).
If anyone else out there is eating lots of fish and has strange symptoms (can’t figure out why you’re a hardgainer who puts on fat really, really easily?), you might want your doctor to give you a urine elements kit.
Hey brother, did the doctor give any other reasons for the elevated mercury? I have some of those symptoms, and I used to use a lot of canned fish. Did he say that the symptoms will stop if you cut down on the fish. I eat fish only once per week or so now. I am tired a lot, even when I try to take thermos and stimulants. Thanks
EEK!!! I eat like 5 cans a day!!! I did a search on google and it’s true! Looks like they say eating tuna isn’t the end of the world unless you eat large amounts every day (like I do!!). Time to find another main protein source…
The doctor said that mercury based dental amalgams might have an effect, and he asked if I’d ever been exposed to mercury (i.e., in a lab or something). I’ve never had any cavities or been exposed in a lab. I mentioned that I eat several pounds of fish a week (3 cans of tuna is almost a pound!). The doc then said that that was probably it. Because my levels were so extremely elevated, he prescribed a chelation supplement called DMSA. He said that that’s the fastest way (probably taking a few months) to get my levels down. Apparently, if you avoid mercury and take in lots of minerals like selenium & magnesium, get lots of glutathione (an amino), antioxidants, etc., you can also bring down levels; however, given my levels, he said that that would take years (like, 3 or 4). If you’re experiencing similar symptoms, I’d get it checked out.