Hi, I’ve been running into some issues with form breakdown in my squats and deadlifts at high intensity, where my lower back tends to take over a disproportionate amount of the load relative to my legs. This leads to challenging squat reps starting to look more like a good morning, and challenging deadlift reps starting to look more like a romanian deadlift. Found this video which I thought did a good job of explaining why this is happening (linked to 7:10 where they start discussing this issue): Assessing Leg vs Back Strength in the Squat | JTSstrength .com - YouTube
After doing some research it seems like this is probably due to a strength imbalance, where my lower back is stronger than my legs. This shows in my lifts, I recently deadlifted a 1RM at 500 which felt pretty solid, whereas my tested 1RM for squat is only 375.
I’m wondering what I can do to best correct this imbalance. In the video linked above they recommend belt squats, which seem to me like they’d be a great option for getting my legs up to speed with my lower back. Where should I incorporate this into the Texas Method program, or is there an alternative option y’all would recommend trying? I’m currently running the standard Texas Method, only mod is that I’m replacing power cleans with 5x5 beltless deadlifts, since I’ve never done any olympic style lifting. The two thoughts I had would be to do a 5x10 belt squat on Wednesday, and/or to replace some of the beltless deadlifts with belt squats. What do you think?