The Texas Program and Deadlifting

It appears that the Texas program calls for the following:

Monday: Medium-intensity squat and medium intensity pressing. By that I mean something like 5 sets of 5 reps.

Wednesday: Light squats and light pressing

Friday: Heavy squats and heavy pressing.

My question is this: where do I fit in deadlifting and/or cleans in this program? Even though Wednesday is a “light” day, do I put in my deadlifts there?

You would do deadlifts or some sort of pulling variation (power clean, SLDL, RDL, rack pull, good morning) in the same medium, light, heavy pattern.

I’m using the Texas method at the moment without doing any actual deadlifting. I’m trying out the deadliftless training according to that one old article by Bill Starr. I’m planning to do 4 weeks hard, 1 week easy and perhaps try out the deadlift on the fourth week during wednesday just to see if this type of training actually increases the dl like it’s supposed to, and repeat this for a couple of times. I’m hoping to increase my deadlift by doing heavy power cleaning and then changing to heavy high pulling after I can’t clean the weights up anymore and working my arse and lower back with the squat and the good morning and finish beating up my traps with power shrugging.

[quote]HKDOOM wrote:
I’m hoping to increase my deadlift by doing heavy power cleaning and then changing to heavy high pulling after I can’t clean the weights up anymore and working my arse and lower back with the squat and the good morning and finish beating up my traps with power shrugging.[/quote]

HKDOOM, can you post your workout? What day do you do your power cleans? Do you do a medium/light/heavy day with the power cleans?

For squat and the rest it follows the basic routine which you’re prolly already doing, but I do the power clean and the high pull a bit differently because I aim for just force in them. If I do 5s in them my speed slows down and that’s not very good for force. :slight_smile:

Monday: Up to a heavy double in power clean and then 5x2 in high pull. This I would consider heavier than friday.

Friday: 3x3 in power clean and then 8x1 in high pull. The power clean is somewhat heavy but the high pulls I do with shorter rests.

So essentially I don’t follow the medium/light/heavy days for them because I concentrate on the force end of the rep spectrum while keeping necessary volume up in them. I feel like if I go too heavy in them my technique breaks down and at that point need for those days would rise up, but that’s not really what I’m aiming for. Think Bill Starr wrote about this too (unable to go heavy enough for real need for those days, that is).
The reps I use are a bit weird in them but they work for me, and for the rest of the workout I follow the normal rep scheme.

Ok, so what do you think of this? Remember, I am doing strength training, not competing in either Olympic Lifts or Powerlifting.

Medium heavy weights

Front Squats 5 sets x 5 reps
Military Press: 5 sets x 5 reps
Power Clean: 5 sets x 3 reps
Pull Ups: 5 sets weighted

Back Squat 2-3 sets x 5
Push Press 3 sets x 3
Pull Throughs or Good Morning 3 sets x 6-7
Chin ups: 3 sets unweighted

Friday: Heavy

Front Squat (work up to 1 RM PR)
Military Press (work up to 1 RM PR)
Deadlift (either 1 RM PR OR 10 sets x 1 rm of Speed deads at 70-75 percent of Max)
Pull Ups weighted

I might add in Glute-ham raises in as well some days. Also may do some light Snatches on Wednesday.

[quote]entheogens wrote:
Ok, so what do you think of this? Remember, I am doing strength training, not competing in either Olympic Lifts or Powerlifting.

Medium heavy weights

Front Squats 5 sets x 5 reps
Military Press: 5 sets x 5 reps
Power Clean: 5 sets x 3 reps
Pull Ups: 5 sets weighted

Back Squat 2-3 sets x 5
Push Press 3 sets x 3
Pull Throughs or Good Morning 3 sets x 6-7
Chin ups: 3 sets unweighted

Friday: Heavy

Front Squat (work up to 1 RM PR)
Military Press (work up to 1 RM PR)
Deadlift (either 1 RM PR OR 10 sets x 1 rm of Speed deads at 70-75 percent of Max)
Pull Ups weighted

I might add in Glute-ham raises in as well some days. Also may do some light Snatches on Wednesday.


I would power clean before everything else on Monday. (speed and technique exercises suit most people better when performed first).

If your wednesday weights on the squat are the same % as monday (I understand that they might not be), you might find this to be too taxing to recover properly. Again, I’d probably push press here first.

Seems like a lotta maxin’ on Friday but give it a shot if you’re feelin’ it. 70-75% is heavy for most on speed deads, but you very well could have already figured out you can handle those weights with high speed.

Lastly, why no weighted chins but weighted pullups twice?

[quote]gi2eg wrote:
Seems like a lotta maxin’ on Friday but give it a shot if you’re feelin’ it. 70-75% is heavy for most on speed deads, but you very well could have already figured out you can handle those weights with high speed.

Lastly, why no weighted chins but weighted pullups twice?


You may be right about there being a lot of maxing on Friday. And this leads right back into my initial question.
Where do I fit in deadlifts? I mean, if Wednesday is supposed to be a light day, should I be lifting heavy deadlifts on Wednesday? I have seen that some people do deadlifts on Wednesday 1 x 5, however, deadlifts are one of my favorites…is that enough stimulus?

As far as the weighted pull-ups vs. weighted chins, I guess I was trying to follow the Texas methodology of Monday-moderately heavy Wednesday-light and Friday-heavy with pull-ups…Wednesday chinups working lightly the same area and then going heavy on Friday.

[quote]entheogens wrote:
gi2eg wrote:
Seems like a lotta maxin’ on Friday but give it a shot if you’re feelin’ it. 70-75% is heavy for most on speed deads, but you very well could have already figured out you can handle those weights with high speed.

Lastly, why no weighted chins but weighted pullups twice?

You may be right about there being a lot of maxing on Friday. And this leads right back into my initial question.
Where do I fit in deadlifts? I mean, if Wednesday is supposed to be a light day, should I be lifting heavy deadlifts on Wednesday? I have seen that some people do deadlifts on Wednesday 1 x 5, however, deadlifts are one of my favorites…is that enough stimulus?

As far as the weighted pull-ups vs. weighted chins, I guess I was trying to follow the Texas methodology of Monday-moderately heavy Wednesday-light and Friday-heavy with pull-ups…Wednesday chinups working lightly the same area and then going heavy on Friday.


I would probably alternate a week of squats (with those intensity levels each workout) with a similar week of deadlifts.

Wouldn’t use the same volume as with squats on any of the days, and would probably go especially light on wednesday for them.

Gotcha on the chinups/pullups. Personally i prefer heavier chinups than pullups because: the very bottom of a pronated pullup seems to be a higher risk position for my shoulder girdle (do not take this to mean that I don’t do pullups as they’re awesome and totally have their place), i think its good to get some heavy supinated horizontal movements in there, and because although curls are no fun for me nor really worth my time, having very strong biceps does not seem like a bad thing.