Dose response: I see again and again that there is the expected linear response of a competitive drug. Men need around 1mg/wk for every 100mg test ester per week. The numbers are probably a better relationship with FT or bio-T as SHBG bound T [SHBG-T] cannot aromatize. Once on SHBG, the dose corrections are very linear and simple to compute.
Off label: I disagree that off label is experimental. There can be lots of supporting research and clinical reports. The drug manufacturer has no motive to change the “label” because once the drug is released, doctors will prescribe as they see fit.
Adex safety: Men start taking 1/7th of a dose that is prescribed on-label for women. Women were also tested on higher doses yet. There are no side effects when E2 levels are as intended. Adex can be used to modulate E2 levels. I do not see a safety concern of any nature.
Conspiracy theory: Well that is what happened and I know exactly what he “does”. This is what can happen when a doctor moves in a direction faster than the rest of the herd. Think about what you said? What does orthodoxy have to do with medicine.
No good evidence: is in the eyes of the understander
Anti-aging doc claims: This point is unbalanced as you cannot hear the silence of the docs who are not making any claim or hype.
Publishing: So doctors who have knowledge of these things never publish in medical journals? Do you read medical journals? I just searched for “testosterone” in the New England Journal of Medicine and got 141 hits. I guess that none were written by doctors or read by doctors. Well this is at the top of the list:
“”“Risks of Testosterone-Replacement Therapy and Recommendations for Monitoring
Ernani Luis Rhoden, M.D., and Abraham Morgentaler, M.D. “””
“Testimonials and anecdotal reports may be interesting but, no, they don’t count for much.” Doctors learn from each other and from the responses of their own patients. This is basic to all fields of medicine. Why is this a problem when TRT is involved.
What do you want the studies to address:
Libido improved -known fact
Mood improved and depression caused by low T or elevated E levels -known fact
Reduced LDL -known fact
Improved endothelial function -known fact
Elimination of muscle wasting -known fact
Improved strength -known fact
Fat loss -known fact
Improved insulin resistance and sometimes resolution of type II diabetes -known fact
Improved energy -known fact
Improvement in functional balance -known fact
Fewer falls -known fact
Fewer fractures from falling -known fact
Higher life expectancy by fracture avoidance -known fact
Bone loss avoided or reversed -known fact
Improved skin properties -known fact
Brain fog eliminated -known fact
Greater physical activity -known fact
Quality of life improved -known fact [evaluated in clinical studies]
Reduces strokes and heart attacks -known fact
You are worried that a long term study could find guys in walkers with brittle bones, high blood pressure and diabetes are out living guys who are stronger, more agile, healthier and more active? Even if that was the case, what is the point of living, simply a measure of when you die or how you live?
What is your motive in all of this negativity? You are in charge of your own health care. One has a choice to be proactive or be passive. Nothing is gained by waiting for studies that may never happen.