In mulling over what to do about my elevated prolactin which has increased since starting TRT, I met with a well regarded neuroendocrinologist who mentioned that raising E2 increases prolactin. It’s not that I didn’t believe her, but I assumed having never heard that before, that it’s not common at normal TRT E2 levels (or maybe she is wrong).
Then I came across this article:
While I can’t imagine the AI doses they suggest, and piling that on top of cabergoline are umm…taking a minimal approach to treatment, it allegedly did work.
My last E2 was 40, and I feel fine. However, I would be willing to throw a tiny dose of anastrozole in there if it reduces my prolactin. Just out of curiosity. Still don’t want to be in an AI long term.
Of course there’s always this deca/t cyp blend if I’m really desperate to lower E2 to where it once was lol.