TRT and Additional Supplements?


I was wondering if anyone on TRT for hypogonadism takes additional supplements for pre-workouts etc. I just started with Sub Q shots once a week.

I try not to have caffeine before working out as i drink enough coffee throughout the day, so I have been using a natural pre-workout that contains Ashwaganda. In theory, Ashwaganda increases Test. Its probably best to stop taking it right?

tyrosine, coffee, water, CBD oil. Sometimes I actually eat before hand too.

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Weekly subQ? Did I read that right?

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Everything effects people in their own way but ashwagandha is fairly effective at reducing overactive adrenals. It makes me feel more calm and relaxed. For me it wouldn’t make sense as a pre-workout supplement but it could totally work for you and if it does then do it. Black coffee & taurine gets me in the zone before the gym (sort of like my own redbull).

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Yeah its an interesting supplement. It really just helps with focus in the gym and gets you through the reps. I dont think it would work on its own. So you wouldn’t have any aversions mixing the ashwagandha with testosterone?

I need to try tyrosine. Never think of it as a preworkout

I assume its subQ based on the fact that its a small needle in the stomach fat. But i could be totally wrong - i am totally new to this. To be honest, on the prescription it does say IM…I assumed it was mistake in directions?

So you wouldn’t have any aversions mixing the ashwagandha with testosterone?

I would have no aversions mixing ashwagandha with TRT whatsoever. Particularly if the aversion was based on increasing T.

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I’m on Testosterone and take ashwagandha. Nan aversion. Ashwagandha by itself isn’t going to improve testosterone levels enough to make much of a difference.

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It’s more of pre-day than pre-workout as I take it everyday. But it does seem to have a noticeable impact on the gym if enough is ingested, for me anyway.

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@borisa Its sounds like you were prescribed 1 injection per week IM. But many prefer sub q

But would IM have to be a longer needle (mine are: 25 gauge x 5/8) and injected into the thigh or buttocks?


I’m pretty sure all bottles will say IM on them because that’s what they are approved for by the FDA. Regardless of whether the doc wants you to do sub-q.

5/8 is long enough to be either but in those areas you’re more likely doing sub-q (especially the butt). I did sub-q in the navel area with a 1/2 inch needle. Now I do IM in the delts with the same size needle.

I found using a 28g 1/2 inch needle 1CC insulin syringes and doing injections in the navel area (inch or so to left/right of belly button) to not only be easier but less painful.


A lot of people here who do subQ injections do them much more often than weekly to keep levels as stable as possible. Some people even do daily.

You can do shallow IM in say your delts with a 1/2" or larger needle no problem. That’s how I used to do mine

I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with SubQ, there isn’t, I’ve just never heard of it being used in once weekly dosing, I thought it would be a bit too much liquid to inject into one spot like that but I don’t know exactly what you’re prescribed.

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Ohh interesting - I had no idea thats all the FDA approved. I was given 1CC insulin syringe and have not self-administered yet, so i’m glad to hear it will be easier and less painful!

1CC is the volume of liquid it holds. 25g is the needle diameter. 25g isn’t going to be too bad but 28g you can barely even feel it. If you decide 25g isn’t great look into 28g.

Mmm. I am doing 0.5CC once a week, so half a syringe. If thats the case, perhaps I will eventually increase the dose? How long does it take before the drop in levels is noticeable generally?

With more frequent dosing, its common to be proscribed HGC no?

0.5cc isn’t a dosage… it’s a volume. How many milligrams of testosterone are in that?

Using HCG or not is a totally separate topic from injection frequency. The usual recommendation here is to start as simple as possible with only T then try HCG later if needed once you’re stable and have your T dose and schedule figured out


Oh, i its half of the 1cc syringe - i am guessing its ml then? (I have not picked up them up yet from the pharmacist so I am not 100% sure on the accuracy here).

Again… that’s a volume, not a dosage. Your dosage will be in milligrams.

0.5cc or ml (same thing) could be 50mg of testosterone or it could be 150mg of testosterone depending on the concentration you were given

The bottle should say something like 100mg/ml on it. That would mean for every milliliter of liquid you get 100mg of T. They go as high as 300mg/ml though… big difference