Avoid Pycnogenol and Ashwagandha?

Gents, I saw something recently on here that made me stop taking my Pycnogenol but I cannot remember what it was or find it again. Does it increase SHBG? Does anyone know any reason not to take it?

And while we are on the subject the same for Ashwagandha?


As I was having symptoms of anxiety when I last met with my trt doc he did tell me to be careful with ashwagandha. I told him that I was taking it and he said that it may raise anxiety for some. Because it stimulates the adrenals it elevates your epinephrine and norepinephrine ( fight or flight response) is what he told me, which could cause more anxiety. I think it was from work and elevated E2 that was causing mine but I ran out of my ashwa pills right around that time also. So it could have been all or just one of those variables, as all have been addressed now can’t be sure. Hopefully that helps in some way or another as I can’t say anything for the pycnogenol or the raising of SHBG.

Thanks pal.

I’ve been doing some reading and I think the issue with pycnogenol was that it blocks some conversion of T to DHT. Unsure how much of n issue this would be on trt though, and how that compares to its benefits?