TRT: Advice on Injections

Newbie here. I’m hoping to get some advice on this. I started TRT recently. The bottle clearly says “intermuscular injection only”. And the prescribing doctor says it must be in the muscle. So I have to use at least a 1" 26g. But I would like to avoid the scar tissue and use the 1/2" insulin syringe. And I read a lot of people do this. Does it work the same. Why is the doc convinced it doesn’t? I’m at a crossroads. Do I ignore him and do the 1/2"?

Scar tissue isn’t a serious thing. I’ve pinned myself thousands of times, nothing to speak ok. Glutes use a min 1” 23 or 25ga. Delts use can use 25ga 1/2” or even smaller gauge pins. The other option is to used the slin pins and go sub Q but I never liked the idea despite many others doing so with success.

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I just don’t hear of this with TRT. Guys doing 2-3mL per injection, multiple times per week, yes. Even then, usually not a problem.

Guys I see that inject twice weekly use 27g 1/2in needles with no trouble. Essentially, a shallow IM, thigh, glute or delt.

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Thing is depending on your body fat those half inch needles can still be IM. A person in pretty decent shape a half inch needle to delt pretty much is IM, and you factor in that you can really push it in beyond half inch under the skin just to be safe.

There are companies that make subQ auto-injectors in 50, 100 and 150 mg strengths. There are many transgender patients injecting shallow IM and subQ, some daily and every other day.

I used 29 gauge insulin syringes and inject in the deltoids until I switched to an oral T.