Best Needles & Injection Spot for Injection Every 3 Days?

I’m on testosterone cypionate 1 injection every 3 days I inject in my outer quads now and don’t have any issues with it but dr mentiond I could do subq if I want.what’s best intramuscular or subQ?and which needle size and injection spot is best for limited scar tissue build up I see some people saying insulin needs work really well but I need more specifics please thanks for any advice and some help steering me in the right direction god bless

Inject into the ventroglute. Its easy and always painless. 29g 1/2” needles work well. Wanna go bigger? Thats okay too. As for subq shots, dont experiment yet. Stick with your protocol and get it in IM.

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I like 27 gauge slin pins in the delts.


27g 5/8 inch into ventro glutes for me.
No issues

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After trying a dozen different needle sizes and gauges I just settled on the ones my trt clinic gives me. 1” 23g in ventroglute or thigh. I inject once a week.

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I rotate thighs and delts.

Need to learn vglutes really to have more sites.

Roating for me minimises scar tissue build up over time. Theres differing opinions on this- but in my head if you keep sticking a needle in th same place over and over again its gonna cause more damage than if you rotate 6 places and allow them more time to heel any micro trauma.

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Which gauge en length needle do you use?

Hi Beez,

Are you only pinning in the VG. If not what are your other spots? Did you tried insuline needles for yhe VG or other bodyparts?

Thanx man

Honestly cant remember- bought a bulk load ages ago and they got decanted into another box that has my pins swabs and syringes.

The ones I draw with are green- think they are 23 maybe 21g.

I pin quads with orange which I think were maybe 25.

Delts are white which may have been 27.

Don’t qoute me on that though!

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Yes orange is 25

Thanx man. Why not pinning quads also with a 27. It reduced the chance of forming scar tissue over time.

Better do insuline syringes delts/quads/vg

Btw, your posts are very helpfull

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I didnt really give it that much thought- the 27s I’ve got arent as long- being a cyclist my quads are pretty big and so to get deep I wanted 30mm.

I was pinning with 23g when I first started so anything is an improvement. I find the 27g quite difficult to push the thick sustanon through

You’re right though I should prob think about using 27g on quads too long term.

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Thanx again. No offence, but why do you feel the need to go do deep in your quads. You have probably lean legs also. So i assume the 27 will fit you. Other folks doing quads IM with even 7mm shorter needles

General consensus is deep IM absorbs better than shallow. I don’t go that deep, prob leave 5mm out so 25mm in.

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I’ve spoken guys who do shallow IM and have good/high T-levels. If you use a 27 20mm needle and push it all the way in it is 5 mm less deep as which you are doing now.

For visocisity of the Sustanon you could do the syringe for 5 minutes in a cup of boiled watter.

Also you might go for the daily subq in the love handles route. This will give you the most stable levels and less E fluctuations

On the other hand if this protocol is working for you keep this protocol. You know what you have now and i’m happy for you, you’re doing well

Mark I’m quite happy with what I’m doing.

Good luck in all your research


I always do 1/2 inch length needle into delts or glutes and my blood work always shows its working. So I either barely have fat in those areas or am lucky sub q works for me. I recently lost 20 pounds and was injecting that way from the get go and still showed efficacy. I had a long few year break from serious gym time so it wasn’t a flattering 20 pounds either. Delts are also a bit more recent. Long story short 1/2 inch to the glute always worked for me.

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Ventro glutes?

Nope plain old buttocks glute

Im off it altogether at the moment, 4 months clear