Been on for 12months , no major issues and felt great for the most part , some issues with e2 which seemed to resolve after adjusting the dose down , I adjusted the dose a couple of times over the year , 200mg per week to 150mg and then 125mg .
Had some mild testicle pain at the beginning when my natural test was being shutdown . The last month I have a constant dull testicle pain , thinking about coming off completely. I don’t want to go on Hcg full time also .
Thanks for the reply , not doctor prescribed, doctor drew bloods at my request but told me it was in range with total T 260ng/dl .He was unwilling to go any further with hormones after them blood results .
I was struggling for years with low t symptoms and was being diagnosed with depression, I decided to start trt myself and have felt great up until recently.
He is a general practitioner, yes you’re right I will see a doctor but the response will be to come off the testosterone , it’s within the normal range here , just low on the scale . I just wanted to see had anyone on here experienced anything similar .
I will come off the trt and take clomid and or nolvedex when the t clears ,At that point I’ll see a doctor if the problem continues persists .Had great benefits and quality of life after starting up until now .
Have not personally experienced pain, but have had it reported from time to time. Difficult to say. We’ve surmised that maybe with the atrophy they get into the canal and caught or slightly pinched from time to time. Not enough to get their attention at the moment. Really do not know. Most of the time, a six week course of hCG resolves this.
What’s more baffling is why you want to stop TRT and trade dull testicle pain for far worse health consequences to come your way due to low-T. Also, 260 qualified you for TRT. You may have just found a doctor with a bias against TRT.
Many men with subpar testosterone are diagnosed with depression, placed on antidepressants which further reduce testosterone setting you up for a worse health outcome down the road.
Doctors take an oath to do no harm and unknowingly that’s exactly what they’re doing. Refusing to treat or at least refer you to the appropriate doctor for further evaluation is reckless and ignorant.
Thanks , when I first got on , I had mild pain as the testicles atrophied . That pain passed in a week or two and I felt great , it’s similar to that experience right now so I started to get concerned as I haven’t stopped administering the test .
I appreciate the feedback and I might try the hcg for 6 weeks and see does this help alleviate the pain . What kind of protocol would you recommend for the hcg .
Thank you for the reply, I’m on here because I don’t want to stop the trt , it’s a concern as to why the pain has just come after being on for 12 months .I also dread the thought of facing low T symptoms again I have done a let’s get checked male hormone panel which showed my total T in the 200s and it was still classed as normal on that scale .
I also agree about doctors being ignorant in regards to trt , I tried to have a discussion with him but he wasn’t interested nor educated on trt therapy for males . I also spoke to a trt clinic who operate in the country next to where I live as this service isn’t available here and they told me I would have to come off the self administered trt wait a period of time until lh and fsh kicked back in and then do bloods with them to show I was hypogonadal.
You would think but that is the case here I’m afraid, my doctor would have to refer me to an endocrinologist and he has stated I don’t have an issue with low t because I’m within the normal range .
This never gets old → in range is normal. Such a narrow-minded approach to medicine. The serum levels never hints at how much is making it into the tissue, receptors.
Some people have a very heavy door, the androgen receptor, and requires a lot of androgens to push that door open and force gene transcription.
You have receptor sensitivity and receptor density, which are new areas of medicine yet to be fully explored.
Your GP is doing what he is taught to do. They are not incompetent. GPs are GPs and they are very good at being GPs. They have no additional training in something like TRT. They have some training in TRT, but they go with what they have and testosterone will be a small part of any general practice. It will not be of interest to them and they will not have much experience and therefore knowledge of it.
Why not search out someone who does hormone optimization and only that? If it is all they do, they are likely interested in TRT, have more experience in it and it then follows that they are better at it.
I had similar to yourself, self prescribed test and after a while a bit of a dull ache in my testes that went away then came back again a few months later.
I used HCG which returned then to size within a couple of weeks and stopped the aches within days (as I recall).
I used 500IU for the first dose then 250IU after that until the vial ran out, I had more which I was going to use but haven’t bothered yet.
They did shrink again but soo far no pain.