Fear of Going Back on TRT

Hey everyone,

I need some advice just based on my lack of clear thinking lately. I’ve been off of trt for roughly 2 years now. (I’m 29y/o) It was a giant hassle to get to feel sort of okay at best off of trt. Almost exactly a year ago I was actually feeling good enough not to complain. Long story short I thought I was on the right track and here’s why: I was motivated at work, I was having sex without any performance issues, I was maintaining a normal bodyweight etc. all with no hormone use. Fast forward to a year later (now) I’m a 180 degree different story. No sexual function, ED, joints are REALLY getting bad as far as popping which has moved into pain. Extreme fatigue and probably one of the worst moods I’ve ever had. Also developed insomnia. I had blood drawn in December and everything came back in range “ “ however these were my T and E panel:

Total Testosterone 292 (250-1100)
Free testosterone 67.2 (35-155)
Estradiol 19 (<= 29)

I was feeling pretty crappy when I got the labs in December but I’m guessing my levels have been going down because all my symptoms have increased.

I am stubborn so I thought I’d ride it out naturally but this has gotten well into the unbearable ballpark. Is it time to accept the fact that natural isn’t working? And also is it worth me going and playing doctor patient or just do it myself as I have before? My reason for fear is because I’ve had issues in the past trying to execute a protocol that worked for me. All input is appreciated. Thank you.

P.S, if anyone read this far and has any thoughts on DHEA supplementation alone or with trt, any info would help.

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Do you know why you have low t?
Secondary hypogonadism?


You probably wanted to get off trt cause you were not confident in your decision why you needed to be on it esp at young age. That’s my guess

Now you will probably be confident cause you have confirmed you need it.

Still worth some time to get a dx as to why.

Get pituitary mri. And check testicles with ultrasound.

Did you just take test? What dose?

Thanks for the response, I have primary hypo. (How do I know this) During the time I was off doing blood work the highest test level I saw was low 300s but my FSH and LH were insanely high.

I am unaware of my petuitary condition however Im almost certain that my faulty testicles are due to years of AAS abuse.

During trt I was taking 250 per week and I was doing good physically but was not that great mentally. I believe that was in 2 shots and it was test E for sure.

This was my labs @trtguy23 @highpull

What would you consider this
Pre treatment
Fsh 5.6
Lh 3.3 range (1.7-8.6)

Total t 379

Other labs are with clomid

Lh went to 7.8
And total t to 502

Primary or secondary?

I almost think am a combo of both.


Sometimes they add hcg or others to try to keep other hormone levels up. Supposedly, the gonads metabolize t more than elsewhere.

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You were taking too much. That’s way past the point of being legitimate trt for about 99% of the population. Some guys don’t do well mentally with that much testosterone. What else were you taking while on trt?

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Thanks for the reply, as far as what I take beyond testosterone during trt, (or off trt) I do vitamin C, fish oil, probiotics, adaptogens, just basic over the counter stuff, I don’t take any other additional hormones. The only thing I was thinking may be worth adding is DHEA. I take Clonazepam for anxiety, I’m in the process of tapering off of it currently.

I’m not a doctor clearly but I’ll say if you’re able to crank your T up to the 500s your testicles must still work but the signaling isn’t super strong. My LH was almost 20 naturally at one point which as you can tell, is stupid high. That only got me to either 316 or 360 which is nothing. I’ve never been 500 on paper with my own body working even with clomid. Your case seems more pituitary based because your numbers go up when LH goes up. But that’s my opinion.

I agree with your opinion. Thanks.

My balls were always on the small side.
Finally with clomid they got the biggest they ever were.

I guess maybe the balls were not producing because of the signaling so they were on the smaller side.

In an ultrasound one of my testicles had an adnormal heterogeneous echotexture. That’s why I think maybe I am primary too. Idk. I also second guess if I really needed trt.

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You are primary and at some point in the future you won’t have a choice. You could wait 10 more years until things get so bad it leaves you no other choice but to restart TRT. Believe me the time will come when the will to survive will kick in, why not start now rather than later.

Unless your DHEA is profoundly low, supplementing DHEA can actually cause you problems derailing TRT yet again. You should keep your TRT protocol as simply as possible so that you have the least amount of side effects.

It’s best to start TRT in isolation.

No wonder you had problems which was easily correctable.

Do doses this high cause problems with oestrogen or bp?

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Me too brother. Same situation. I’m also starting a log that will have my previous TRT bloodwork and my new pre-TRT bloodwork when it comes in. I’ll keep up with yours too to see where it takes you. I have a pretty damn healthy life with what I can control and what I’ve found works after 6 years of pretty serious soul searching and my conclusion is that I have to address Testosterone to help my system from the bottom up now. After proper diet, sleep, exercise have been addressed to the greatest of your abilities with sincere searching it’s my conclusion that you have to try something to chemically or hormonally a dress the issue. The people here are very supportive of the idea I’ve mentioned that even if you have “low,” T to always try a natural, holistic approach and really get scientific with it. After all that if you genuinely do not feel better you need to see a doctor and your blood levels definitely call for an evaluation.

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Thanks for going through the details, I’m for sure at the point of being fed up with how I feel already. The downfall began in November but I’m annoyingly stubborn and figured it was a bad day/ week/ month etc. that wasn’t the case.

Any hormone that is high can cause symptoms in certain individuals. I’m sure there are guys who can handle 500mg weekly without issues.

Remember these forums have a way of attracting people with problems.

That’s a very logical point. Ironically I’ve been attacking diet and lifestyle a lot more than before and here I am in the gutter anyway. I appreciate you reaching out and I will log my experiences once I’m rolling again. Thank you.

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I would have expected a higher testosterone level after more than doubling your LH.

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UPDATE**** I am on week 6 of TRT, 160mg/ week (80mg every 4 days) and I have only had maybe a week of feeling fairly well (appetite increase, erections exist) so far which was actually the second week. Still struggling with no energy and very low motivation. Its almost as if my mind has gotten more lethargic since I’ve been on. Erections have been better but actual drive is still low and climax is really lame which has been an issue. I am starting to wonder if I have a pre existing cortisol issue (low) due to the chronic fatigue. Any input is always appreciated, thanks.

Your response is perfectly normal for someone who have just initiated TRT. It can take 2-3 months for your body to adapt.

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