I’ve been on trt for years now. I’m 35,178 physically fit. 12% body fat. I’ve been lifting weights for 3. I work a very fast paced physical job where I’m hustling for 8-10 hrs a day. I stop enough to eat for about 12min. That is my only break. I eat as much as I can when I can.
Im currently on a 500mg blast. I’m in 500 calorie surplus. Eat clean with some dirty foods in to get calories in. I am getting some gains but not what I expected. Currently 7 weeks into the blast. I don’t know if I’m expecting to much or, I have pretty bad body dysmorphia. Because people are telling me I do look bigger. Also i think 7 weeks might be too soon to really notice a drastic change? I was going to run for 16 weeks.
Anyway, what else can I add to get some more mass/bulk? Ideally the less estrogen the better for me. I am keeping this from my significant other so I’m thinking maybe an oral might be easier to hide? Or I guess injectable is fine also. I want something that’s damn noticeable.
I’ve been small my whole life. The bigger I’m getting the more confidence I’m getting. Not only in myself but my wife is liking
It also. I went through a time during the summer where I dropped down to 145lbs due to how hard I was working and being summer time. So for me getting bigger is not only a personal thing I want to do but also my wife likes me getting bigger and I’m it ever happens where I’m working 13 hours a day and I do drop weight, I have the weight to drop.
From my limited experience, I find food to be the biggest factor as to whether I’ll be adding mass or not. The more I eat the bigger I get.
If you’re not gaining weight you’re not in a surplus. How much weight did you gain the past month?
What were your expectations?
Whatever you add that gives you mass will go away a week or two after you stop unless you continue to train and eat enough to hold on to it.
You can pop dbol or inject deca but you will gain water which will puff you up and then disappear once you stop. Proper training, nutrition and rest are the key to sustainable growth.
unless you have the genetics for it, you will never get what you expected because our expectations are skewed by us seeing only 0,001% of the population as online examples.
steroids are not a miracle unless you are the rare person who reacts like that… there was some older statistic that said that in US, almost every other, or every third male who goes to the gym, is taking or has taken steroids/sarms/pro-hormones… now when you look at average 20 men in the gym, maybe 1 will look somewhat impressive and sometimes it will be only like 1 out of 50. But out of those 50, at least 20 have taken or are taking steroids.
What im trying to say is… if 500mgs are not doing anything impressive already, the chances are that you can double or tripple the dose, and get maybe like 10% increase in current gains. Thats how it has always worked for me.
Whats most important for mass is gaining weight… you gain each week… if you dont, you are not eating enough and adding steroids wont fix it.
As far as adding other drugs, since you are 178lbs, 500mgs should be enough… if you do a gram of shit to be over 180, where do you go from there?
well this also cant be fixed by drugs… if your lifestyle is making your goals un-achievable, then you will need to fix that… probably wont get too big working 13 hours a day, unless you can eat like 10,000kcals…
Like already said. Eat more. Not so much that your just adding fat. Throw some creatine in if you’re not using it already. 500mg of test is a lot for a guy your size. Unfortunately you’re just not a hyper responder.
Here is some updated pictures. Maybe I’m expecting too much? I have bad body dysmorphia as well.
Also, yes I am on trt. Im 35 and have been on trt for the past 6 years. Through a doctor for all of if except recently. I ditched the doctor because I’ve been on the same 160mg dose for years. Things were dialed in. I was tired of spending thousands a year. I can order my own blood work, order my own testosterone. I want to be in control of my own body.
I’ve was prescribed deca in the past so that is something I’m considering.
I have upped my calories and have noticed some more size.
I was thinking a tbol/test/npp cycle.
I want to keep adding size for some months and then start cutting around December.
I’m very aware I’m doing a “blast” . Hence why I made the post, trt add ons. Once I’m done blasting I’m going to back down to my trt dosage.
My question, is about adding compounds while being on my try dosage, 160mg. A very simple question that I’m asking for help.
Since you’re already 7 weeks into a 500mg testosterone cycle, judging by your pics which you’ve posted, I wouldn’t suggest adding any other compounds. You have a normal, average looking, perhaps athletic frame. The good news is you have plenty of room for growth without massive amount of drugs. I would look at other areas such as diet and training as ‘culprits’ of your hindered growth and not the drugs. 500mg of test is plenty for your current level of physical development.
Eat more and train smarter and harder. What does your current training look like? How tall are you?
Here’s my take. If you’ve been on TRT for 6 years and trained/ate mostly proper, you’ve already reached your plateau level. There are ZERO add ons that you can take long term without health consequences. So any add on would be temporary as well as the growth it gave you. Eventually you reach steady state again at your TRT dose in more or less the same composition you are now. If you blast grams with HGH for years you would be able to hold more visive a pro body builder. Even those guys are heavily deflated after cessation.
From what I can see in your profile picture, I’d be more than happy at your size. I’m currently 5’10 183lbs.
Also I’m not looking to add tons of compounds, just things to help me achieve my goals. I know I’m the end it comes down to me and diet, but I also know other things can help. It’s a tool. Just like anything else. I want keepable gains, not a bunch of water weight. I’d rather be smaller with keepable muscle than bigger but with a ton of water weight.
So you are telling me if I ran a test/Npp cycle with say Tbol as a jump start, that non of that is keepable?!
I will be completely honest, that picture is a “pumped” pic from the gym and the lighting was good.
I agree here that this is the desirable path.
Maybe some and then again maybe not. I can only tell you from my experience that I tried most things in moderation for 2-3 year period of time after starting TRT. Nothing I did would sustain my body weight over 200lbs (i’m only 5’7" for reference). Everytime I went back to TRT doses, both strength and size would diminish in short order back to where I started. For example the last blast I did I was up to 215lbs… 6-8 weeks post cessation I was back to 200lbs again.
I came to the conclusion I had reached my steady state plateau that wuold only be pushed with HEAVY PED use for the long term. Thats what I decided to give up on the blasting/anabolic use. I’m much happier on TRT doses too. I never felt well on blasts.
Thank you very much for your honesty, I really do appreciate it. In the end I think I’ll always feel small due to my body dysmorphia. I still see my self as 128lbs like when I was 18. If I look back and see pictures, I can see a difference. Otherwise I still see myself as being 128lbs.
FWIW, I agree with @blshaw on how this blasting and cruising works, or at least that is how it works for me.
I’ve been lifting for almost 15 years now. Been on TRT (self administered at this point), for almost 5 years. I’ve done a few light to moderate blasts. I’ve noticed that I just can’t hold much more mass on my TRT dose (160 mg/wk). If I blast, I’ll get bigger, but it just doesn’t stick long term. It seems my fat free mass has been fairly stable except when I’ve been on higher doses.
I’ve come to the conclusion that if you are going to blast and cruise, that the blasts and cruises need to be related to each other. Meaning if you do big blasts, then you need to cruise on more. Doing 2 grams of gear and then cruising on less than 200 mg/wk doesn’t make sense.
So, you could look at a few things as add ons, but I’d say then you need to add on to the cruise as well. Say you stay on 500 mg/wk for another 10 weeks, then you could cruise on more like 200-250 mg/wk and hold that muscle. You could look at adding something like HGH year round to support being a bit leaner and fuller. These things won’t result in a 20 lb difference though (assuming the same leanness).
Let me tell you a story: started lifting at age 12. Powerlifting started at 15. Olympic lifting at age 18. Competed for 6 years. Went from 165 to 198 lbs. I’m 5’7", BTW. No PEDS. Started competing in powerlifting again from 25-30. Weight ranged from all the way back to 165 lbs and back up to 198 lbs. Training +food. No PEDs. Age At the start of the COVID nonsense, age 38-39, decided "lets just focus on getting as muscular as possible before 40 without focusing purely on strength ". What did I do? Trained 6 days week most using “The Best Damn…” plan from Thib. AND ate 3 meals, 3 "snacks " like a damn bodybuilder. At the end? 200 lbs, fairly lean, no PEDs. Do you see the weight variances I’ve gone through? 100% of the time, the difference was FOOD. Not my training (little variance later on), not supplements, not PEDs. More or less food depending on the goal. Awful “I don’t take pic’s of myself” picture but my GF at the time loved my back.
Food is your outlier. Not drugs. Eating has to be your second job. Do it intelligently but lose the mentality of maintaining low BF AND piling on muscle at the same time.