I tried Clomid for the first time today dosed at 12.5mg. At first I felt very calm and relaxed. Then I started to feel a mild headache coming on and I feel slight pressure behind and above my eyes. I feel like I took shots of hard alcohol. I feel strange and can’t see myself taking this again. I have been interested in Dermacrine for awhile, but I read you need to cycle it and do not want to deal with testosterone dips.
I rather be at a constant level. Is Dermacrine okay to use long term, even if you have to use half the dose? Also, I was thinking of taking a supplement to lower prolactin since my nipples keep getting puffy. I have some gyno, but it’s not noticeable; however I do have puffy nipples. Sometimes they’ll become normal, but they always go back to being puffy.
The only other thing I can think of is using Toremifene, but I read most of what you get online is junk. I didn’t want to use Nolva due to long term liver toxicity issues and IGF-1 lowering.