Test Prop Tren Ace and E2

Hey all I am new to fourms. I’m here looking for feedback, advice, and anything I may be able to offer other users. I am going onto my 4th cycle now my previous cycle consisted of…

Week 1-10 Test E 500mg weekly (250 x2pins)
week 3-10- Adex .5mg eod
PCT- week 13 nolva 40 mg (Girlfriend got pissed flush my shit so I did not recover very well)

Also, I was not aware of proper PCT and the use of HCG either on cycle or as a part of PCT. My balls shrunk significantly and only 1 really came back to a normal size but still smaller than before.

About 3 months after cycle i experience e2 rebound which I was never aware of. Was recommended to run a low does of adex for a few weeks and that should take care of the problem, it didn’t I still have issues off cycle with my libido and ability to perform at times.

Second cycle was about a year later…
Week 1-5 Dbol 50mg daily
Week 1-12 Test E 500mg weekly (250 x2pins)
Week 1-12 Mast 400mg weekly
Week 5-10 NPP EOD
Week 3-14 HCG 500iu’s weekly (250 x2pins)
Week 15-19 Nolva 40/40/20/20, Clomid 100/50/50/50

I had to run Adex during PCT due to libido issues again. I did not need to run the Adex during this cycle as the Mast helped. Anytime i took even a dose of .25mg seems to make my joints hurt and would kill my libido.

Third cycle
Week 1-4 Anadrol 50mg daily
Weeks 1-12- Test E 250mg weekly broken up into 2 pins
Weeks 3-10- Tren E 400mg weekly (200mg x2pins)
Week 3-14 HCG 500ius weekly
Starting week 15 I ran 500ius daily HCG x10 days, Nolva at 40/40/20/20, Aromasin 25mg x10 days Vitamin E 1000ius x 4 weeks

The best recovery I’ve experienced in PCT Was the HCG/Nolva/Aromasin combo. Clomid makes me far to emotional and to this 2 I still have E2 issues and monitor my bloodwork. Will there ever be a time when I will not have E2 issues?

It’s very frustrating going to have sex multiple times a day to once or twice a day and that if I can even finish the second time. Also times I seem to become very depressed since my first cycle which was not something that happened prior to my first cycle. Also there are time I’m not even sure if I could get erect which then messes with my head and then its all down hill from there.

I started my first cycle 2 years ago and I space them out every 6 months. I am debating on just blasting and cruising instead of PCT from now on that way I know some of these issues can subside…Any thoughts?

Also, I am preparing for another cycle

Test prop 25mg daily
Tren Ace 50mg daily
Winny 50mg daily
I have prami, adex, aromasin (might run aromasin instead of adex while on cycle since it is a steroidal inhibitor)

Debating on PCT right now as I know HCG is best used on cycle not after. Should I stick with traditional clomid nolva? Also, Since my first cycle I have always had a very difficult time managing my E2. My last blood were a month ago…

FSH 1.3 (1.4-18.1)
LH 8.6 (1.5-9.3)
Prolactin 9.2 (2.1-17.7)
E2 86.4 (11.6-41.2)
Serum 882 (348-1197)
Free 21.2 (9.3-26.5)

After the BW I took a low dose of adex .25mg and it killed my joints and sex drive. I have read the estradiol sticky but still feel unsure of how to manage it. Any suggestion on how to control e2 while not taking aromatizing compounds?


I am working on dropping 25 pounds before the cycle actually starts


Ok so there are a number of reasons your estrogen can be high. First be thankful that test levels are in the normal range. Then see what your body fat is because it probably needs to come down. This can obviously have an effect on estrogen. Next, I would grab some CLA, this will have an effect on your metabolism and T3 which could have been damaged by the nolvadex
(pub med search: Estradiol and tamoxifen interactions with thyroid hormone in the ovariectomized-thyroidectomized rat.
DiPippo VA1, Lindsay R, Powers CA.)

So before resorting to more of what doesn’t seem to be working (adex) get the bf down to 10% and your metabolism up and going again. I know for me I’ve had a similar problem and when I got down to around 10% bf my estrogen decreased. StillI keep my carbs real low, I stay at a low bf and i am very careful of things that spike my estrogen. If I don’t follow those things I’d have to implement an anti-e for a few days (either letro at .75mg 2x week) or Tomorifiene Citrate at 60mg/day

Hope this helps brother

Thank you :slight_smile: so am I looking at a forever battle with my e2 or do you think my t/e ratio will be able to balance its self out?

My opinion is that you are very estrogen sensitive and if you are to get it down, any cycle containing test will skyrocket it. I’m retired from competition so that doesn’t really bother me. I’ll cycle Masteron Enathate only at 400mg/week for 16weeks once per year with HCG entire time. Then Clomid and Tomorifine for PCT (forget about Nolva)

Anyway, its best to prepare for the worst and realize your E2 may very sensitive and begin formulating an understanding of what triggers it to spike. If you really want to get it under control I’d try letro at .75mg 2x per week for 4 weeks then .25 2x per week. Then Tomorifine Citrate at 60mg/day for 1 month. After that you’ll have to stay off everything for at least a year. Upon which you still run the risk of it happening again if you ever get back on.

All the best, anti-estorgens are readily available so its not the worst thing to happen.

Wouldn’t running letro at that dose and not taking any aromatizing compunds kill my sex drive more, cause joiint pain, depression, etc…? I tried adex 4 weeks at .50mg x2 then a few weeks of .25mg x2 or is that not strong enough? I can get the letro no problem if its going to work. Part of wonders if I should just blast and cruise for now until im ready to come off and deal with it all because I do want to run a few more cycles but at the same time don’t wanna jack up HPTA to the point it can not recover.

As far as triggering my E2 been trying to find out what but it is really hard for me to pin point but I am paying more attention to it. Also, torem over nolva? Never heard of that, couldn’t I run the 2 together? Also I was thinking about running some HMG to help stimulate my FSH in a pct if it was to ever happen


I would try the letro. It might make you feel like shit for a little while but it’ll be worth it in the long run if it works

by the way, I think it’s fair to say that some people just don’t handle steroids well. Like I know that deca fucks me up, so I’ll never touch it again. Some people are that way with other compounds, and some people just don’t recover worth a damn from anything.

If I were you, I’d think long and hard about whether more steroid cycles are worth it? I mean building muscle is all well and good, but if it’s causing you so many problems in other areas of your life, is it really something you want to keep doing?

The juice has to be worth the squeeze.