Tribex Before Mag-10

I bought a couple bottles of Mag-10 recently, thinking I’d give it a try before it’s no more. I also have 3 bottles of “Tribex-500” and have yet to buy any “M” but plan to buy at least one bottle for the two weeks between Mag-10 usage.

I’m wondering if I would benefit in any way using Tribex-500 before starting my Mag-10 cycle?

It might help your success. I’m doing the same thing right now. I’ve been taking tribex for 2 months now. My plan is when my strength gains slow on Tribex I’m going to do a growth surge cycle with mag-10.

Maybe it would help. It could take your body up a notch and then Mag-10 would take it up another notch. However, keep in mind that for Tribex to take full effect it takes about 3-4 weeks.


Save it for PCT in my opinion. No point in possibly boosting natural T-levels only to supress them when you start your cycle. It will be a better spent supp. to use it to help in getting your t production to retun post cycle.

Just my opinion.

Hope that helps,

Right on… thanks guys. I guess I’ll wait until after.

Well, since Tribex is of benefit when used by itself, it would also help when used prior to a MAG-10 cycle.