The bottles say these need to be taken on an empty stomach. For tribex, doses need to be at least 8 hours apart. My question is, how long before or after intaking food consists of an empty stomach. For all you out there who have used these, when did you take them?
Bump. Been wondering about this myself. Also M and Tribex say they need to be taken on an empty stomach, does that mean they shouldn’t be taken together?
I think the original bottles said to take Tribex with food. Anyway, Bill Roberts says it doesn’t matter either way. I take M on arising on an empty stomach and Tribex with breakfast and a 3PM snack. Tim Patterson suggested this.
i take M upon waking in the morning the only time when you truly have an empty stomach. i take Tribex with breakfast and with one of my late afternoon or early evening meals. if you are eating enough to grow there is NO such thing as an empty stomach. at least in my experience anyway. kevo
What about the cycling of Tribex, it says on the bottle 5 days on 2 off. Follow this or take it everyday?
Guys, for the first year or so Tribex was labelled as “to be taken with food”. Then all of a sudden Tim Patterson says out of the blue in his column one day that we should be taking it on an empty stomach. I (along with several other people) have both posted here and written to T-Mag to get an answer about this; no offical response has been forthcoming.
Note to the moderators: This is obviously an issue that’s going to keep coming up until Tim or TC or someone gives us the offical T-Mag party line on it (and accounts for the change). Do you think that someone could address this once and for all? Pretty please?
In the meantime, yes, Bill R. has said that it doesn’t much matter in terms of results. But I can tell you that it does matter in terms of burping. I get moderate Tribex Reflux ™ even taking them with meals; I wouldn’t even want to THINK about what would happen without.
That said, Tribex is an awesome supp and should be on everyone’s list if they’re over about 35. And yes, you should stick with the dosing protocol of 5 on 2 off.
Hope this helps.
Char- I’ll look into the label change and see if we can post some info in Friday’s issue or here on the forum.
What is the reason for 5on/2off protocol … ? For bio-feedback avoidance … ?
Almost all supplements need to be cycled to remain effective. The 5on/2off cycle is a cycle that can be repeated almost indefinately with supps like Tribex. This works well for the older male who needs the boost all the time.
For young guys like me who are also a little limited on cash, we use Tribex as a recovery agent after androgen cycles or during periods of training where we need a little extra T.