A few simple questions, as I have read some conflicting posts/info lately. First, do I NEED M with Tribex? Does it convert to E? Secondly, should I cycle it and how, or just take it everyday? Any other tips reguarding Tribex are appreciated. Thanks.
- You do not need M with Tribex. Tribex has been around longer than M, and many people have used it alone with outstanding success. Tribex supports natural T levels, so the conversion to E question is of no relevance.
- Yes; you should cycle it. There are two options. Read 'em here:
No you don’t need M with tribex. No it doesn’t convert to estrogen. Cycle it 5 days on and 2 days off. Take 3 caps twice daily 6-8 hrs apart.
Thanks guys. Got it.
Is “M” mainly an anti-estrogen support supplement? Is there much advantage to using it alone? Is it possible that a person can have plenty of testosterone and also too much estrogen? Would M benefit a person who just needs to lower E levels?
Two things you can do:
- Do a search of the forum archives for vitex and/or M.
2)Check out the supplement roundup at