Maybe a true treasure is just junk that’s been given a lot of love, work, persistence, and care. I’m a terrible philosopher.
[quote]Powerpuff wrote:
[quote]Up wrote:
…Ill miss her next year when shes at college
Sorry to hear about your injury. It sounds like you are back on it. Adjust and carefully work around. Listen to your body.
and I sooo relate to this. My oldest is a junior so I have one more year. I just can’t believe it. It’s going to be so hard on me to have him gone. I’ve enjoyed every phase, but the “nearly grown” phase has been just golden. [/quote]
I am and thank you.
Yea, it will be bitter sweet for me for sure. I too have loved everything from baby to now, but honestly the baby/toddler years were golden for me.
OK RANT: I saw your post on Jelena. She is so beautiful and I LOVE her body. I HATE that it has to get garbaged up with a bunch of trash. I really miss the “female” motivation i used to get, Ill leave it at that. Thanks for posting.
Well GV Ill gladly take your philosophy any day!
Thanks everyone Im actually feeling fairly normal. Knee still numb, wont miss that feeling. Ive gotten over the wow, is my right leg so much smaller depression. Matter a fact training yesterday was a progression. More reps, more weight, and a feeling of accomplishment. Its best I dont compare my self with what i was doing, that mentality definitely was toxic for me. I was actually quite thrilled to get 3x3 with BSS back leg up with body weight. Its almost like Im paying so much attention to my quad that i had to think “glute… help me out here”, by the third set my adductors/glutes started kicking in. Id say that was huge progress, Ill take it anyway.
Spinning was a great way to finish up leg day. 10 min, nothing too crazy.
[quote]Up wrote:
OK RANT: I saw your post on Jelena. She is so beautiful and I LOVE her body. I HATE that it has to get garbaged up with a bunch of trash. I really miss the “female” motivation i used to get, Ill leave it at that. Thanks for posting.
And about your rant, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wished people would stay on topic here. So many times I’ve thought I’d make a comment but then there’s a bunch of garbage on a thread and I just think I don’t want any part in contributing to it, or I don’t want to be associated with it.
This site is like a big fishing net. There are all kinds of fish in the net. Some really nice Mahi mahi, along with a lot of those plastic six-pack rings, old tennis shoes and other more disgusting stuff.
Lol Powerpuff
…Things are moving along. Leg is getting stronger. Im pushing it, trying not to go too far.
Its a little heady not feeling like I just killed it after training legs, but i know that
I am making improvements and the flatness i had in my r-l is all but gone. It is obv. still
a little smaller, but I think it has always been a bit smaller. Even though Im right handed
I used my left leg for more. Even slalom, Id use my left leg. Anyway…
I have been so ON with eating. I havent been able to really slam dunk this. Not sure if it was
laying around like 3rd base for so long, that now I have this will power. Whatever it is…, Im really liking it. Im only down a solid 3#s but On my small boned frame its really showing up.
My son said to me yesterday, “mom your looking like a body builder girl again”…, ok, so i was pumped up from training, but still, it was really a nice little motivator.I am going to feel so tiny once all this fat is gone :0 although my daughter said i look more hourglass.
…Come to think of it, maybe they just want something Hmmmmmm haha
I guess it really doesnt matter, Ive already set my mind to this!
Lighting enhanced, but there’s a bit of difference in tightness, Ill take it!
Sorry on the blurrrr
You always look like a million bucks. I’d trade. Anyday.
Glad to hear you’re on the mend. And looking forward to your regular logging again.
Besides great avatar pics, you also have great food pics. Don’t know what a food stylist does, but you should be one!
What fat?
yep, looking great! my diet must be getting back on track since i’m looking at your plate of food and thinking YUM! which i wouldn’t be thinking if i wasn’t. it really is amazing how much better one feels when one is on track. sorry to hear about your injury. it is hard when the priority can’t be beating PR’s… qualitative stuff can be hard to track…
Alexus …you bumped me
Food ~~~~ Im trying to be “aware”, and fuel when i need it. Ill Post a few pics and update.
Injury is a thing of the past, not even a thought anymore…, well maybe once in a while.
So end // Hate even thinking of it!!!
I still have a really hard time with the mind muscle thing with my legs/ quads esp., although my spinning has been helping, once they get a bit of a pump(for me) I can feel them. Some band work first also helps. Lets face it, when you dont really have much muscle it is way harder to “flex” something not there -->maybe I should speak for myself, but id like to think this is the case.
Id say Im pretty much where i was in last vid, I of coarse “know” my body and can see the small
even if miniscule growth here and there…, but it hasnt been that long ago i got my strngth back. Looking forward to have more, like noticeable to someone else other than me
Im still doing more BB style and really love it, I do need to make out a better plan though.I still seem to not hit a couple things, like I always say Im going to,but then i dont, bad me!
The rack scrape things are great, I couldnt set the weight down and drive up(like i should), because they kept getting hung up on my clips or clip, it was freakin frustrating. Also until the paint is scraped off, that caught my bar too. Considering my hub doesnt use the rack, Im not having anyone complain about the actual scraping off of paint, and you can t see it unless your in there.
Going to go look at a pretty nice home gym this weekend, its got everything Id want, and a great price! I really hate going to the gym, I mean Id pat you on the back for not missing your training…, as you hack all over everything, but id just assume punch you in the face
vid was last week, not sure why its so washed out, it looks great on my phone
^^^ Well that was supposed to be my protein pancakes…
Ill post food last.
Quads need meg
Man is that how American women walk around the house?
Jeez, I’m selling up and moving to America…to become a door to door salesman.
As far as scraping the bar up and down the rack, I let my old training partner do that on my rack when doing calf raises and now I regret it because where he scraped the paint off it has rusted badly and it now looks really crap.
Maybe you could wrap a towel around the bar or something to make it slide easier and not do so much damage?
and I don’t think you’ll regret jacking the gym in for home.
How’s the weird hip/leg/nerve thing now? all cleared up?
Good to see you’re back at it.
Pics = Spectacular
Thanks guys!
Well… I only walk around in that much on the weekdays haha Glad no deliveries came while taping
I didnt think about the rust issue, I better figure something out, or pick a new move. The leg/nerve thing is better, no reoccurrence .
Im sure it was a fluke type thing, set me back a few months for sure. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, Ill turn it up some more!
[quote]Up wrote:
Thanks guys!
Well… I only walk around in that much on the weekdays haha Glad no deliveries came while taping
I didnt think about the rust issue, I better figure something out, or pick a new move. The leg/nerve thing is better, no reoccurrence .
Im sure it was a fluke type thing, set me back a few months for sure. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, Ill turn it up some more!
Looking super as always Up. Fsrmer must have his rack out in his New Zealand meadow. Mine has had some paint scraped off from SR Presses for quite awhile without rusting. Plus it is on the inside of your rack and adds character anyway- So I say carry on!