Its been long enough that I can’t remember why I stopped posting in my old log so I’m starting a new one. Things have been hectic lately so we’ll see if I can actually keep this updated.
About to hit the gym so epic intro post and training info to come later on.
But for now a little motivation and pre-workout noise…
[quote]Stronghold wrote:
OMG cant w8 2 get huge[/quote]
So I guess if I start a new log I have to explain my training and stuff…
Background: I’ve competed in PL before but have spent this past year focusing on physique goals and did my first show about a month ago. I will likely compete in both again at some point in time but right now I just really want to enjoy smashing weight in the gym.
Current goal: The same thing it’s always been. Get bigger and stronger. I want more size overall, but delts, biceps, and quads are of particular interest.
Training: Is a work in progress. I’m working on my second cycle of 5/3/1 since the show right now, but still debating how I want to do things. I’m changing a lot for this cycle and I’m pretty sure my set up only actually resembles 5/3/1 in the sense that I have 4 main lifts and use the 5/3/1 percentages and reps on them.
My main lifts are front squat, bench, deadlift and db ohp. DB OHP will use higher rep ranges (4-6, 8-10, 12-15) and won’t be percentage based (still debating this part). I’ll also have two back/bi days stuck in there. I like to train 4x/week, but might not always be able to with the way my schedule is looking so with this set up, if I train 3x/week I’ll at least hit everything once. We’ll see how much all of this changes in the coming weeks…
Training Maxes for Cycle 2
Front Squat: 160
Deadlift: 235
Bench: 125
[quote]detazathoth wrote:
So when you’re working on physique goals vs powerlifting goals, how does your training differ?
I want to be huge too! :([/quote]
With physique goals I only use machines and never do less than 8 reps because high reps are better for hypertrophy and I only eat chicken and broccoli.
I know my FB comment pissed you off. But I think your transformation is nothing short of phenomenal.
Question: I understand the rep range and diet, but why only machines for physique goals?[/quote]
Its actually just your bad attitude and high-and-mighty tone that annoy the shit out of me. I usually try to be civil and ignore it, but that’s harder to do in my training log.
My transformation was a result of hard work and dedication. I’d hardly consider that phenomenal.
YEAH, really awesome front squattin’! I was happy the other day to get 95 x 3, ha-ha. I find the bar on my neck makes it hard to breath so I can never tough it out for high reps, you ever have that problem??
[quote]csulli wrote:
So far the log is just two people being very rude. W/e it’s your’s to use as you please.[/quote]
lol shut up white knight
The OP and I have been real life friends for about 5 years now, if anything this training log means more to us two then a passive aggressive woman who needs knee wraps to squat 135.