[quote]Jackie_Jacked wrote:
[quote]fendertele wrote:
hey guys ive posted before basically i have bad hormonal problems which cause me to gain weight really easy and have low test and low cortisol… its a pituarity tumor called prolactinoma.
Ive been working out with weights and since then my testosterone i believe has normalized for the first time in years! erections of steel! lol which i hadnt had in years… but weight lifting alone isnt shifting the fat for me enough…
So ive started doing the treadmill too to burn the fat and since then ive shifted a bit… left with a lot around the stomach and chin tho… and my erections have gone weak again.
what do you suggest i need the cardio of some sort to burn that extra fat… i also have the treadmill in my bedrooom i just bought it
Wow, you really have a lot on your plate right now. I’m going to assume that they haven’t attempted to remove the tumor at all? In doing so, they may have to remove the whole gland, in which case, you’d be a lot more meds. Are they planning on removing it at all in the future?
My father had the exact same type of pituitary tumor that you do. They removed it, and his pituitary, I would say almost 30 years ago. I really feel for you as I have first hand the types of effects that it has on a persons life.
Remember that your recovery rates will not be as good as others and you need more rest. It’s probably a good idea to maybe aim for every other day or to play it by ear. The lack of fat loss is absolutely (mostly) a result of your hormonal imbalances (although diet plays a part too). What does your endo say about your hormones? I imagine he’s seeing you at least bi-annually to check out your blood work?
The weight loss will come in time. My father was almost 300 pounds on a smaller frame when they first diagnosed him. After his surgery, he went down in weight quickly and now, he’s really probably too thin at about maybe 180? A lot of it was water retention and fat retention in odd places because of the hormonal imbalance. High estrogen and low test will wreak havoc on your body composition.
Just keep at it and do what you can. Ask these questions of your specialist also. Maybe he can give you an idea of what to expect.
By the way, to me, you do not look to be very heavy or have fat to lose. Diet-wise, if you have high estrogen levels, I would probably try to stay away from sugar, cereals and breads as much as possible. They can lead to extra fat gain easily and further contribute to higher estrogen and it just becomes a vicious cycle.
I’m really relieved to hear that you’re weight training though. The treatments and meds can leave you with with weak, fragile bones. Weight bearing activities are fantastic as well as just being as active as your body lets you be. Good luck to you and you will get there, sometimes it takes a while to get the balancing act down.
hey thanks for the great reply, yeah i see my endo twice a year… theres no mention of removing it yet as my prolactin levels have lowered and the tumor has shrunk with the treatment and hasnt started to regrow so far… i defo feel now at 27 that my body is in the right direction… facial hair…body hair… more of a manly face as before i looked 16 when i was 25…
the weight lifting i have no doubt about it has spurred this on that the meds just couldnt do on there own… but yeah i was huge before diagnosis im talking 6.2 and 22 stone and very little of it muscle as when i managed to lose all the fat before starting weights… i had no muscle around my naturally big frame.
i think im gonna cut the long runs out on the treadmill and just really got flat out on it for a shorteer time and see if that keeps my testosterone gains i get from lifting. i may also finally get rid of the horrible pear shape that comes with low test low thyroid…