Hi all, about 2 years ago I hurt my shoulder region whilst doing some db flyes. At the time I heard/felt something go twang. At first I didn’t rest the area but instead worked through the pain. Now 2 years later and I still can’t bench press. I have since rested the area and I’m not currently training. Any shoulder movements, presses, raises etc and I don’t get any pain, but any chest pressing exercise and it hurts. The pain is difficult to pin point but I think it is coming from my trap region.
I’ve had an MRI on my shoulder which didn’t show anything but now I think they were looking in the wrong place. I’ve tried accupuncture I’ve seen an oestopath but still can’t get to the bottom of the pain. I can’t even do a press up on my knees. It also hurts if I bring my left arm across my chest. Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated as I’m at the end of tether.