Any constructive feedback is of course welcome. Have not maxed in 5 weeks. I wanted to see where I am at for next year.
This was much more comfortable than last time despite losing 10 kg be and being in a big calorific deficit. Thanks to CT’s clever programming .
Form is good, maybe just aim for a more convincing lockout to appease the internet (physiologically, it won’t make a difference worth worrying about)
Thanks Jigga. Do I look good for more? Could you see me adding 12 kg , if got very amped up e.g. a bit screaming or slaps in the back. I am tempted to have another go before new year?
Form looks fine, kind of difficult to mess up trap bar deads anyways =)
Maybe, did you feel that you had more in you? It looked like you could handle more, but it’s quite difficult to tell someone’s exertion % without being that person.
If you didn’t feel that you could lift more than that, I’d say that 2 weeks is not enough time to bump 12kg. That’s just been my experience anyways.
I did have more in me. I lifted 238 kg twice before this . Literally failed 272.5 kg , managed this and then failed 263 kg.
If I were lifting with other people in a competitive environment, I think it might be doable .Warm up to 200 kg 440 ish and then try 272.5.
I am stating to value my safety a bit more. I dropped the 238 kg no straps out of my left hand . It wrenched my shoulder and neck a bit . But I’m ok
I see the but extended further back version with trap bar deads more often than not online. I tend vary my form , which is also good.
Yeah, probably